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[TW: Slight self hatred.]

[3rd POV]
Crystal's body trembled against the blonde door frame connected to her bedroom and the hallway she sat in.

She wasn't crying and she didn't know why she was trembling. It was an awkward experience for the blue eyed blonde who had only wanted to watch movies with her best friends after she had been released from her mental prison in the hospital.

Her eyes looked up at the chipped grayish blue paint that covered the wall in front of her. She glanced around the hallway for a sign of life as she stayed in her safety ball on the floor.

She didn't want her friends to open the door and see her on the floor for no reason, she was meant to be active after getting out of the hospital anyway–even though she was the one who wanted the movie sleepover.

Crystal stumbled to her feet– her vision going blurry for a split second, leading her to lean against the wall she had only stared at a couple seconds ago.

She rubbed her arm lightly as she stood straight, walking towards the bathroom she had laid in many times before in the past.

Her eyes glided to the living room and kitchen across from the bathroom– seeing no sight of life she rubbed her temples and with an angry huff she clicked the bathroom door open, only to close it a second later.

She leaned against the double sink that held many products of facial and body care lazily placed around.

Her eyes looked up towards the large mirror in front of her that held itself proudly on the almost marble wallpaper.

She unknowingly tapped her pointer finger on the counter top as she looked at herself pitifully. She pulled her hands off of the counter towards her mouth, pulling it into a smile– hating it she shifted her arms awkwardly around her waist.

Her eyes danced around the room uncomfortably fast looking for any other sight than herself. 

She huffed a mumble as she looked back at herself– tearing her arms from herself, letting them fall to her sides– letting herself try a smile without her hands. It was an awkward pitiful attempt but it looked okay in her opinion.

How did she get here? Was the question that repeated non stop as she continued to stare, figuring out which faces to make to look "human".

I mean, how did she get here? She had just been worrying about the kitchen being destroyed a few hours ago. How long ago did she leave? Were they worried?

Her eyes glazed over, as she stopped making "inhuman" faces in the mirror.

One last message overlayed in her mind–

Why would they worry over someone like me?

Soon enough Daisy was sick of sitting on the bean bag chair in the corner of the room waiting for Crystal to return from her sudden leave.

Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down and no matter how much Jordan told her to calm down she wouldn't.

Daisy finally got up, going to find her best friend's blonde figure throughout the small mansion.

A shuffle came from behind the girl, and then a voice, "Daisy." The warning of Jordan made her halt in place.

She sighed, letting her head fall to the ground. Finally speaking up she turned around to face them.

"Jordan, I can't let her be alone again. Last time I let her be alone she told me she was fine… When… When she wasn't." She fumbled with her hands and rings that graced her middle fingers and thumbs as she spoke.

Jordan sighed at Daisy's words, realizing that nothing they said would change her mind. "Just don't push too much, okay?"

Daisy quickly nodded, walked towards the door, and left only to find no Crystal on the other side of the door. She closed the door with a silent click.

Daisy looked around the hallway then walked towards the living room to still find no blonde haired female. But she soon heard water running in the bathroom near her.

She turned towards the door to the bathroom and knocked on it, hearing a panicked shuffle from behind the door.

"Uhm… yes?" Daisy heard from the other side of the door after a few seconds, it was definitely Crystal.

Daisy cleared her throat quickly and then spoke, "Can I come in?"

Silence was heard for a minute or so but soon enough the door unlocked and Crystal's figure had shown up, sitting on the side of the bathtub with her arms resting on her thighs.

Daisy stepped into the bathroom and crouched down in front of Crystal so that she could see her.

Crystal's eyes looked up towards Daisy's figure in front of her, as Crystal's hair draped over her face.

Daisy chuckled and then pulled her hand upwards to move the hair out of her blonde friend's face, placing it behind Crystal's ear.

"What's up Bloom?" She said, smiling as she dropped her hand down onto her knee.

Crystal's eyes narrowed and she looked away from her friend's figure.

"Nothing." Crystal said blankly.

Daisy's smile dropped quickly and she stood up, grabbing Crystal's hand to pull her up with her.

A small gasp was heard from Crystal as they walked out of the bathroom and back towards Crystal's room.

But Daisy stopped in the hallway, still holding Crystal's hand.

"I know something is up, but if you don't feel like telling me that's fine. I wont push you. Just don't let it drain you." Daisy explained and let go of Crystal's hand.

Crystal followed behind Daisy, fumbling with her fingers as they both went to sit down with Jordan once more.

Jordan looked at the two as they sat down and their eyes immediately narrowed at the sight of Crystal's head being down.

Something was wrong but neither Jordan nor Daisy wanted to push further.

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