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[Crystal's POV]
We were almost there.

I kept staring at the time on my phone. It was getting late and my dad didn't even live that far away.

I wanted to sigh but held it in. Expecting the inevitable when I did.

Daisy and Jordan never messaged me after I left. It's expected since I'd probably get yelled at for being on my phone for a long period of time.

I kept thinking about random things related to my father and how he brought issues into our house.

A couple were when I was smaller, around when I was 5 years old I was in my room drawing when I heard the front door open. Voices and giggles were heard after the door opened, I thought It was my mom and dad coming home after work. But when I peeked through my doorway I saw a woman that wasn't my mom with my dad.

I thought she was a friend and just visiting so I didn't think anything of it, I was also 5 at the time so I didn't think anything about it in general. 

My father and the woman eventually went into my parent's room still giggling their asses off.

All I heard was the door close from my room, and then some. . . other things.

Again, I was 5, so I didn't know what the sounds were but I didn't like them so I went into the living room and turned the TV on, turning up the volume. Jasmine eventually came onto the couch snuggling up to me. I then fell asleep that day and didn't remember anything else happening.

Another time when I was 10 and knew more, it happened again and I put my headphones on, crying.

I then snapped out of my thoughts to see my mom get out of the car to knock on my dad's door.

He didn't answer.

His whore did.

Crystal BloomWhere stories live. Discover now