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[Jordan POV]
The tires of the car screeched as we pulled into the driveway of Crystal’s house.

I heard Michelle try to speak but before I could listen I rushed out of the car, not even closing the car door. 

I ran up to the door, almost tripping twice. 

Be okay. I thought, with multiple other things running through my head.

I started banging on the door, soon enough Michelle came up to the door trying to grab my hands but I shoved her away not hurting her in any way hopefully, I doubt I did though.

I kicked down the door after banging on the door for a while. Well, I tried to kick down the door, I had to retry multiple times which led my leg to start hurting badly but I had finally gotten it open soon enough.

Once the door swung open after me kicking it I looked around for any sort of living thing. 

I heard whimpering coming from a spot under the stairs. After I tried to verify the sound I ran over to find a woman holding her hands above her head with a small puddle of blood around her. 

I looked at the blood more than the woman. 
“Are you bleeding?” I said, my body sort of tense.

The woman looked up at me, hiccuping her tears back to not make much noise I’m guessing, “N-No. I’m just a bit i-in shock?” The woman said, questioning her own words, also stuttering her words..

I looked back at Michelle and saw her searching around the living room, specifically every corner of the room.

“Michelle, who is this?” I said.

Michelle didn’t turn back or anything, just kept searching the house for anyone, most likely Crystal though, “That’s Isaiah’s bitch kiddo.” She said, hatred filling her tone.

The woman curled back into her ball, still hiccuping her tears.

I turned to the doorway, seeing the door swinging back and forth a small portion. I then looked back at the woman, “Did they already leave and if so, where?” I said.

She looked up at me then said, “I think he took her to the hospital. If he's not at the hospital then I don’t know where he could be.” She said, her eyes scattering around the room as she spoke, also scooting away from the blood more.

“Why are you near the blood if you don’t want to be?” Michelle said, coming from the stairs.

I squinted and crossed my arms, wondering the same thing.

The woman looked at Michelle after scanning the room once more.

“I was pushed here in the midst of it all and just never got up. I feel too-” She stopped talking because Michelle walked outside.

I looked at the woman once more before following Michelle outside.

Michelle was already in the car smoking a cigarette, waiting for me to get in.

I stepped into the car and just. .


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