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⚠️Some content in this episode may be unsettling for others.⚠️

TW may include: Some Strong Language, and if you count it as such, trauma.

"CRYSTAL BLOOM GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" My mother yelled from the living room. Her voice echoed through the house to my room.

I hurried off my bed almost tripping, speedwalking towards my so-called mother.


"Make dinner. I don't feel like getting take-out." My mother said taking a sip of her tea.

I didn't say anything, heading towards the kitchen. Which I regretted soon.

"No response? Are you serious? YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL I'M LETTING YOU EAT IT." My mother screamed as she turned towards me on the couch.

"Yes, mother. Sorry, mother." I said slightly trembling.

"That's more like it. Respond next time, bitch." She said taking another sip of her tea turning back towards the TV that was on playing an old romance movie.

I sniffle, grabbing pots and pans for the dinner that I'd be making.

"What do you want for dinner mother?" I asked hesitantly.

She glanced at the floor before taking a sip of her tea.
"I want pasta."

She wanted pasta. I hate pasta. Not because I'm picky. I hate it because of how it ended that night.

I made pasta with my mom and dad that night. The night before they got divorced.

My dad had just walked out of the bathroom when he got a notification. He glanced at it for a couple of seconds, smiling. I saw him smiling so I didn't think anything of it until my mom also got a notification on her phone. Her face wasn't happy though, she was distraught. She couldn't believe her eyes.

I don't know what was on that post she saw but it led to them fighting. They fought the whole night, they even hit the spaghetti and sauce onto the floor, I was covered in it. That night I curled up in my room crying until they stopped.

Can't believe it's been 2 years.

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