Chapter 3- Its okay

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"Digg, grab the medical supplies!" Oliver laid Felicity down on the table and her body lay limp.

Dig rushed over to Felicity and Oliver and gave her something to counter act the vertigo.

"It'll take a few hours, Digg I'm okay here. You should go home with Lyla." Oliver wanted to be alone with her when she woke up.

"Are you sur-" Oliver cut digg off.

"Yeah, she'll be fine" Oliver sighed as Dig grabbed his things and left.


Felicity's body jolted upright as she frantically tried to catch her breath. At the sight of Oliver, she screamed.

Oliver ran over to her but she gasped and frantically tried to move away, getting off the table she layed on and taking a few steps back.

"Felicity, You're okay, its Oliver," Oliver's voice was laced with concern.

"No, get away from me," Felicity's voice was shaky and tears filled her eyes.
"You shot me. I cant believe I ever trusted you." Although felicity felt no pain physically, she still thought she was shot.

"What? No!" Confused, Oliver took a few steps towards her and touched her arm."The man injected you with vertigo, you were screaming 'Im sorry' and then you were shouting at me, and next thing I knew you blacked out. Dig came dressed as the arrow and shot them and we took you here. Your safe, its okay, I'm not gunna hurt you."

Oliver let out a deep exhale as Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck. Placing her head on his shoulder.

Oliver placed his hand on the top of her head and with his other, he hugged Felicity tightly around her waist.

Felicity pulled back a little bit and stared him right in the eye. His eyes were such a bright blue and his hair shaped his face perfectly.

She took one glance at his lips then back at his eyes. She leaned in close, feeling a bit hesitant. Does he want this too? She went for it anyways. Her lips parted with his, and they moved together in sync. He didn't pull away. He kissed back with even more passion, his lips soft against hers.

Walking backwards, she pressed his body against the wall and let her hand slide down to his stomach feeling his abs as they flexed with every movement. She slid her hand back up to his face and placed her hand at the side of his jaw. Her other hand lay around his neck. Oliver let his hand travel down to her hips and rested it on her left hip as he moved his other arm up to her neck.

Leaving a trail of kisses down Felicity's neck, she let out a small moan and he let his lips travel back up to hers, flowing gracefully.

They pulled apart slowly, and looked at each others eyes. Oliver's eyes were full of passion and love, not at all like the playboy side of him. This time he actually cared for someone- someone special.

ARROW IS ON TONITE I CANT WAIT HAHA. YAY! Sorry, I know its kinda short but next chapter will be something special :) Heres an Olicity scene. hopefully I can have a cute moment like this in the next chapter too. Thank you so much for reading. vote if you liked the book so far :)
Don't be scared to comment thoughts or suggestions ect.

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