Chapter 43-The news

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Alex/Dr. Reid walked in to the room farther, stopping when she was at the foot of Felicity's bed.

"We got some results from the MRI and blood tests." Alex paused for a split second, "Do you want them in here?" She looked directly at Felicity, not wanting her to falter.

Felicity nodded her head, not wanting anybody to hear her voice crack in case she starts to cry.

"There was a high activity of radiation in your bloodstream." Alex flipped over her clipboard, showing them the results. She pointed to the full body scan, "There is an unusual mass right here. Most of the radiation was coming from here." She pointed to the unusual raisin like black dot on the X-ray.

Felicity felt the back of her neck with her fingers. She squinted as she pressed down on it, sending a sharp pain down her spine.

"We have scheduled an emergency surgery after the operating room is empty this afternoon." Alex smiled, trying to lighten the blow of the shock of having surgery. "We have no evidence of what it is yet, but we've never had a case like this,"

Felicity's eyebrows creased as did Oliver's.

This makes no sense.

Oliver knew that Felicity was freaking out inside, but trying her best not to show it. He reached his hand over the bed railing, grazing his hand over the blankets trying to find hers. When he reached it, he paused, feeling a bit nervous when her body stiffened at his touch. Her hand was cold and shaking the slightest bit, not noticeable from before because her hand was hidden partially under the blanket.

He grabbed onto it, trying to warm it up and ease her suffering. He couldn't interlock his fingers with hers from the angle he was sitting at, so he just held onto it with his life, stroking his thumb from one side to the other.

"What do you mean never?" Felicity didn't like being the first person of some serious tumour or whatever it was.  Is it life threatening?

"We don't know what it is. Unless its a new kind of tumour or something that isn't on the charts, tumours don't usually send that much radiation through your bloodstream. We'll know how to treat you after we get to remove it and see what exactly it is."

"Tumour?" Oliver spoke urgently, using his free hand to graze the top of his hair, digging down deeply into his scalp near his neck, pulling on the hair roughly.

"We cant say for sure. Do you have any other questions before I go? Ive gotta get someone to come down here and prep you for surgery soon."

"No," Felicity spoke quickly, sounding small and like she just had the wind knocked out of her.

Alex smiled and gave a mini wave as she exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Digg, who was silent that entire time, let out a big, heavy breath, filling the sad laced silence in the room.

Felicity whimpered, "What if its cancerous. What if its life threatening? What if the doctors dont-"

"We just have to hope for the best, Felicity," Oliver squeezed her hand before letting it go to stable himself onto the bed with her.

Digg moved to Oliver's chair to be closer.

Felicity laid her head down onto Oliver's shoulder, because 1. It was comforting, and 2. because she didn't want anyone to see her cry again.

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