Chapter 22- Unconditionally

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Felicity slid over in her chair, towards the other keyboard.

"Got it," Felicity motioned to the screen on her computer, talking to Dig and Oliver over the earpiece. She watched through the street cameras as Oliver and Dig ran down different streets chasing the psychopath.

They finally reached where the man was, and Felicity zoomed up on his face. He had a small beard, just like Oliver's, but only a little more grown. He had brown eyes and a crooked nose. Felicity froze.

"O-Oliver?" Felicitys scared voice rang through the earpiece causing Oliver to stop running.

"Talk to me Felicity," Oliver started running again, heading towards the man

"Oliver, stop!"

Oliver stopped in his tracks. "What Felicity?!" He said in his arrow voice.

"H-He's dangerous, be careful." Felicity's heart skipped a beat and Oliver kept running towards the man. Felicity watched the screen as Oliver took him down, tying him up with one of his arrows and leaving him there for the cops.


Oliver and Dig barged through the doors, heading down the stairs.

Felicity glanced a smile toward them and got up from her chair as Oliver set his bow in the glass, taking off his quiver and heading into the other room to change.

"Did they get him?" Felicity searched Digs eyes for any sign of hesitation.

"Yep, saw them heading his way on our way back."

Felicity let out a long, heavy sigh and her anxiety went down a little.

Oliver came back, wearing jeans and a blue buttoned T-shirt.

"Hey, be ready for tonite. The dinner is at eight." Oliver shot Felicity a flirty smile as he headed home to get ready.

Felicity followed him out, grabbing her belongings and running out to her car.


Felicity struggled to get her keys in her apartment door, setting her purse aside as she finally opened it.

She rushed to the bathroom, getting undressed and hopping in the shower. The steam from the hot water stuck to the mirror and window.

She got out, drying herself off and putting her robe on. She only had an hour to get ready, so she darted to her bedroom, grabbing her makeup bag and going over to her dresser. She put her favourite waterproof eyeliner on, and winced as an eyelash fell into her eye after putting the liner on her waterlines. She started with her eyeshadow, layering it on from dark to light, putting the dark shade at the far corners, closest to her ears and made it slowly fade lighter. She put some lip stainer on, dabbing it as she opened her mouth. Opening her jewellery box, she put on Oliver favourite necklace. It was a pink heart shaped stone, designed like a choker necklace, but more elegant and it dipped down from her neck about an inch or two. She slipped into a pastel pink dress, which was tight fitting and had an X on the back, showing her tanned skin.

Felicity ran out the door, heading to her car.

She arrived at a beautiful mansion. As she walked to the front doors, a security guard stopped her, looking for her name on the list.

"Felicity Smoak,"

"Okay," The man gestured towards the door and opened it for her.

As Felicity searched the room for Oliver, she spotted him at the bottom of the stairs. He looked up at her and so did practically everyone in the room.

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