Chapter 42- Like a slap to the face

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"Why am I always stuck in hospitals?" Felicity tried to ease Oliver's suffering with a bad joke. They waited together in her hospital room. Oliver sat in the bed with her, and Digg pulled up a chair beside the bed, getting as close as he could.

"Hey, you're lucky," Dr. Reid said as she came in the room, making it obvious that she heard Felicity. She gave a sweet laugh and took the pen off her clipboard, getting it prepared to create words on the soft paper. "Felicity, do you mind if they stay, or would you prefer to be alone?"

Deep down Felicity wanted to hear the news or be asked questions while she was alone. But in the same sense she didn't want to hurt their feelings. Oliver was probably a huge part of her future, and Digg was like a brother. "Uhm, it doesn't matter." Felicity talked weakly, kind of widening her eyes so that Dr. Reid would get the hint. She gave her the look.

"Okay. Usually this is easier when the patient is alone. Do you guys mind?" Dr. Reid stepped out if the doorway, and into the room out of the way so that the guys could leave.

Felicity turned her head to Oliver, locking her gaze with his. Her eyes told him not to worry, and at the same time, they leaned in for a sweet see you later kiss. Oliver hopped off of the bed and exited with Digg. "We will be in the cafeteria." Oliver said with a smile, closing the door behind him.

"Im so sorry Felicity." Dr. Reid walked over to the chair that Digg was sitting in and plumped down with grace.

"Its fine. Do you know what happened?" Felicity shimmied over closer to her so that she could engage in the conversation better.

"We believe that your heart stopped temporarily from the pain. We cant tell without further testing on the blood samples that we took a while ago, but you were gone for at least 30 minutes. From the time that you first came here, to the time you were admitted again, was about two hours." Dr. Reid paused, trying to think how to word the big question.

"Wow." Felicity didnt know what to say. The thought of her being reincarnated freaked her out.

I was actually dead. Why don't I remember this? Why didn't I go to another place? Where did I go? What about the afterlife thats proved to be true?

"I just have to ask you a few questions." Dr. Reid got ready to write down everything that she was able to.

Felicity hated being asked questions. It felt like she was being interrogated. She nodded her head though, not wanting to make this difficult.

"Okay just so you know, anything that you say here, stays here. Its all confidential." Dr. Reid paused, smiling and giving Felicity time to think. "Have you gotten a tetanus shot in the last 10 years?"

Felicity thought about that question before answering. She remembered her mom forcing her. She would've been around 15 or so, so it seemed accurate. "Yeah," She fiddled with the blanket, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Dr. Reid put a checkmark on the paper attached to the clipboard.

"Have you been in any traumatic experiences recently?" She looked at Felicity's face, locking her eyes with Felicity's.

She watched as Felicity's face quickly went from content to worried and scared.

"Its okay Felicity, its all confidential. We just need to get to the bottom of this." Dr. Reid placed her hand on Felicity's.

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