Chapter 36- Insight

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"Ready?!" Oliver turned his voice tuner on, his Arrow voice loud and strong as he led the way. He put mufflers in his ears, as did everyone else.

"Ready." Laurel opened her mouth widely, letting out a high pitch scream, shattering anything that had a glossy finish i.e glass or certain types of plastics, within a 50 foot diameter, including the ATOMS tinted face guard.

The suit revealed a well put together man, in his mid to late 20s, or 30s, just like Felicity and Oliver. He soared away before Oliver, Laurel, Dig and Roy could get a good look, but Felicity was already running the facial recognition software and got a clear picture of him.

Oliver desperately took a few shots at the man and landed a tracker on his left leg.

"Woah," Cisco smiled brightly as he watched the suited man fly away, and after a few seconds he was left searching for a blue light in the sky.

Felicity's computer screen lit up to a page full of information about the man. "Ray palmer, owns a company called Palmer Technology-"

"That explains the technological genius," Cisco crossed his hands and smiled, shifting his weight onto his right leg.

"As I was saying," Felicity continued knowing that Oliver was waiting. "Hes our age, no crimes or anything."

Laurel came in, following Oliver and they set down their equipment.

"Is the tracker activated?" Laurel walked over to the computer desk to look at the information on Felicity's screen. Cisco smiled, and leaned inward closer to Laurel.

"It is now, he's headed back to Palmer Technology's I gotta go." Felicity stood up, abruptly, and grabbed her purse on the table to the left.

"You're just gonna go? Without a plan?" Caitlin jogged over to Felicity, trying to help her realize that shes not prepared.

"Take this. We'll talk to you and tell us what you see if he's not there." Oliver handed Felicity a different earpiece, replacing it with the one she was wearing. It was smaller and skin coloured so it blended in.

Felicity looked him in the eyes, seeing his worry, but turned around and walked out the door after a minute.

Felicity walked in the back door near the trashcans and activated her earpiece. "Im in," She took another quiet step into the hallway and bolted for the stairway. She followed the GPS signal from her phone and entered a large room with computers, couches, and tons of high resolution technology. There was nobody here, and the suit was empty. The tracker arrow had been placed on the large table beside a bunch of computers.

"Talk to me, Felicity," Oliver had taken place at the computer desk this time, helplessly waiting for her to respond. She had tapped into the security camera in the room that she was in and rooms and hallways near her for everyone crowding around the computer at STAR labs to watch, but Oliver had enlarged the live feed from the room Felicity was in.

"The suit is empty," Felicity reached her hand out, feeling the material.

"Don't touch anything," Oliver raised his voice a little, causing Felicity to jolt her hand back.

"Right, fingerprints." Felicity Circled the room and landed up at the computers. "Im gonna try to hack into his netwo-"

"Ahem" A man walked in the room, stopping at the sight of Felicity.

Felicity screamed, caught off guard and clutched her phone tightly.

"Who were you talking to?" Ray spoke, approaching Felicity slowly and cautiously.

She leaned backwards awkwardly, cringing. "I was talking to myself... I don't- I Do, Do it, I do it all of the time." She smiled awkwardly, realizing how fragmented that sentence was.

"Oh no," Ciscos heart raced. Barry never gets caught, he can just zoom away when he's in trouble most of the time. Felicity cant do anything, shes helpless.

Felicity awkwardly tapped her fingers against the desk as Ray approached her.

"Tell him that you're here to discuss an I.T position," Oliver spoke into the earpiece and looked into the computer screen nervously. But he had faith in Felicity, she wasn't stupid, she knows how to take care of herself.

"What are you doing here? This is my space." Ray creased his eyebrows and stopped walking when he was about a foot or two away from Felicity, too close.

"I was told that this was your office? I don't know a security guard or something told me. Im here to discuss any possible I.T positions." Felicity smiled, hoping he wouldn't catch onto her.

"We're not hiring right now, sorry." Ray sounded uncomfortable, but Felicity knew that she needed to tell him.

"Have you heard about that mysterious blue light flying around Starling City?" Felicity tried to make it sound casual, as if she was just trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, cool eh?" Ray played along, pretending not to know much about it.

Felicity laughed a little at his stupidity, though she tried to contain it. "I hear he fights crime and all that jazz," Felicity kept her voice cute and soft, approachable.

"Oh really?" Ray acted stupid, but laughed, trying not to blow his cover. "Listen, I gotta go home soon, do you mind?" He motioned for the door and took a step back.

"Uh, Ray.." Felicity eyed the security camera, knowing that Oliver and then were watching.

Ray looked up into Felicity's eyes, acknowledging her presence once again.

"I know." She stopped there, hesitating, but nothing came from her earpiece, which meant Oliver approved.

"Hmm?" Ray was caught off guard, as if he wasn't even listening. "Know...?"

Felicity dropped her gaze. "I know. I know about the suit. I know about ATOM. I know its you." Felicity kept her head down but moved her gaze up to his. He blushed a little, and Felicity tilted her head up now.

"How.." Ray let his voice trail off

"Well, Im smart" Felicity smiled big and Oliver couldn't help but smile too. He felt butterflies every time she smiled like that, it was adorable. "Plus I've got some friends," Felicity subtly hinted about the arrow, which he may or may not have caught on to.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Ray asked, sounding a little threatened.

"Thanking you." Felicity smile and shook his hand with her small, soft hands. 

"For what?" Ray ended the long handshake and rested his weight on his right leg.

"You saved my.." Felicity paused, not knowing what Oliver was to her. "Someone," She smiled, knowing that she said the right thing. Felicity nodded her head and walked out the door.

Oliver smiled, letting out a proud but quiet laugh.

How did you guys like this chapter? I appreciate every single one of my viewers thanks so much guys. Love y'all <3

Stay tuned for next chapter  :)

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