PART 2 Chapter 1 (Chapter 53)

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Felicity makes her way through the bush, and rounds the corner. She raises her hand to her forehead, blocking out the bright sun in her eyes.

She smiles. This is home.

She lugs her bow and arrow through the opening of the plane, setting it down on the side of the table beside Oliver.

"Look!!!" She says, raising a dead rabbit to her chest, feeling proud and wanting to make Oliver feel proud, too.

"Wow Felicity! What a big one!" Oliver felt proud to see how far Felicity has come. Even though it isnt dinner, it's something. Soon she will be able to do so much more than hunt for a snack.

Felicity sets her Rabbit in the cooler that Oliver had dug. 

Oliver and Felicity prepare their snack, "Cheers to our last meal on the island." Oliver says, and smiles proudly.

"Cheers," Felicity says, raising her piece of rabbit to the air.


"Where is he?" Digg says over the headpiece, interacting with Thea and Laurel. 

"Hey guys, does Felicity even know?!?!?!" Laurel asks, more towards Thea.

"I dont know," Thea says, worried, "I dont think so. God, when are they coming back." 

The man comes around the corner, smacking Thea in the back of the head, knocking her out.

Digg hears the thud and the sudden silence afterwords, "Thea!!" He pauses for a few seconds. "Thea!!???" "Dammit." He says, and rubs his forehead in defeat.

Ok so I understand how short this chapter is, but I already had most of it written for the longest time and I couldnt decide if I should post it or not because it will interfere with my other book, but people are still commenting and reading this one, so I figured that I should keep doing this one AND my other one. Im writting the next chapter literally in .2 seconds so hopefully there will be another chapter within an hour or so :)

Does anyone here have a really good sense of FRENCH? Im trying to raise my grade in french and I figure its good to practice, and maybe if theres some people on here that are willing to read a french story (maybe related to Olicity, maybe not. It depends if there are any people on here that are good at french or know french)

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