Chapter 46- All along

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"Thanks for the support, everything is dealt with for now," Oliver smiled, looking over at Felicity.

"Were always here to help—" Caitlin's voice sounded through the phone, getting cut off by Cisco.
"No matter what—" Cisco said happily.
"Bye," Barry yelled from the background.

Oliver hung up the phone, throwing his arm around Felicity and giving her a loving, long kiss. He rose his hand up to her face, and they both paused as their lips touched, much like their first kiss. Felicity held her breath, lifting her hand up to his chest and awkwardly placing the other one by her side. Their lips moved together again, Oliver teasing her slightly. He brushed his teeth on her soft bottom lip, biting a little and tugging. Felicity smiled between his lips, pushing into him slightly. Moving the hand that was on her back down to her ass, he took a handful and squeezed, pulling up roughly to turn her on. Again, she smiled but this time threw his body up against the wall dominantly.

Oliver liked that side of her. The side where she didn't give a damn, the side where she did as she pleased.

Their lips parted— a noise came from the computer. Felicity eyed Oliver. This was supposed to be a secret. He wasn't supposed to be here when this happened. She paused, asking herself wether she should ignore it or share it with Oliver.

Her eyes flickered, and she quickly slipped out of his grasp and towards the computer— she looked guilty, caught... scared.

"Fel-ici-ty?" He spoke softly, walking over to her slowly, putting his arm around her computer chair. He slumped over on his one leg when he seen the screen.

Felicity spun the computer chair around so she could face him. "I think my father drugged me, well i know he drugged me but I think he used a different kind of drug, too. I ran a blood test to verify. I was going to tell you if it came back positive. I didn't want you to worry Im sor—"

Oliver cut her off, "Don't you dare say you're sorry." His look was intense, his eyes seeing through her like she was a glass of water. "Open it, if you're ready," But Oliver wasn't even sure if he was ready. He shut his eyes for a second when he heard the mouse click. He opened when he heard Felicity sigh.

A sigh of relief, or pain?

The screen showed 38% positive.

"What does this mean, I mean its only 38, right?" Oliver fiddled with the bottom of his shirt, feeling a rush of sickness.

"No, this isn't good. A month ago it could have been 80, maybe 100%. Any trace of it means that I've come in contact with it. This isn't good," Felicity's voice cracked under pressure. She felt shaky. She lifted her fingers off the computer only to find that they were shaking like there was an earthquake. She set them down before Oliver could notice.. but maybe he already did. "This isn't good," She repeated, no memory coming back to her of even the slightest clue of what she did. She tugged at her hair in confusion, frustration.

"Felicity," Oliver spoke softer than he ever had before, picking her hands up in his.

She felt pressure on her hands, warm and caring.

"This doesn't change who you are, no matter what you did, no matter what you think you did—" Oliver's voice was strong and convincing.

"I think he made me create the thing inside of me." She looked down, feeling the back of her neck where it was still sore.

"What do you mean? You think your father drugged you and made you create this-this-this thing?" He stuttered in frustration and disbelief.

Felicity inhaled noticeably loud, "I know this sounds weird. I think theres another one in there, maybe attatched to the bone in my neck. I know this might be too much to ask.." She looked back up at him, trying to sound convincing, "I need this thing out of me.. like now."

Oliver sighed heavily, wandering over to the metal cabinet standing beside a few other metal cabinets alike it. He opened the fourth right drawer, taking a knife, tweezers, hydrogen peroxide, gauze, a needle and a self degrading thread for stitching it back up. "Fine," Oliver mumbled loud enough for her to hear as he set his stuff on the table that she sat on, waiting. She unzipped the back of her dress and pulled the top of her dress down off her neck so that he had plenty of room to do it. Sliding her arms out of the arm slots, and pulling it down past her bra, she let the top half of her dress lay slump against her stomach, revealing her bra and back.

Oliver steadied his voice before speaking, "Is this where its sore?" He pressed down in the middle of her neck. She nodded her head and he spoke again, "Hold your breath, this will hurt." He took the blade to the back of her neck, digging in about an inch deep and an inch long. He took the gauze to her neck, letting it soak up the dripping blood.

"You good?" Oliver asked. He heard her finally take a breath, nodding her head quickly and groaning a bit.

He continued, taking the tweezers and inspecting the surrounding area. There it was, another device. It wasnt embedded jn any bones. "Thank god," Oliver said. He felt Felicity loosen up, and let out a small sigh of relief before holding her breath again. He took the tweezers to the device, tugging lightly and pulling it out. He set it on the table. It was much bigger than the other one, a lot deeper too. The one the doctors took out was only about a cm in length and maybe two millimetres in width (0.2 cm). This one was about an inch long and a cm thick, resembling a big beetle or an eye.

He stitched and cleaned it up carefully. He let Felicity compare the two and she started entering data into the computer before he could even put anything away.

"Theres no possible way to prove that he made me do it unless theres a video or something. What if he recorded it so that he could make more or learn how to use it. Here it is." Felicity clicked on a video.

"That was fast." Oliver said.

"Well I used the serial numbers of his computer from the chips and ran searches for links on his computer."

"Felicity, are you sure you wanna watch it?"

"I need to. I need proof." She clicked play, and sat uncomfortably with Oliver standing behind her.

The video was close, but far enough to see what she was doing. You could see that her eyes were bloodshot and that she had bags under them.

The video was relatively long, and at the end he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her down a hallway. You could hear him yelling and her crying, then the door slamming and then he came and turned the camera off.

"Well, heres the proof." Felicity said, pretending that the ending didn't bother her.

But Oliver could feel it. He knew it bothered her, but he didn't want to say anything to bring back memories. He has no clue what she went through. Hows he supposed to help if he doesn't know, if he cant relate. And no, the island doesn't count. This is her family thats doing this.. not some crazed island men.

"Well thats over with now," Felicity said, reading Oliver's mind but also referring to the chip.

Im sorry it took so long to update, I've been super busy with my ISU and I'm starting another one on Monday so Ill be busy, but Im gonna try my best to get back into writing more.

Im gonna start a new book soon. Should it be written from Felicity's perspective?

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