Chapter 31-Reunited Love

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Just a warning.. this chapter is VERY VERY mature. Read at your own discretion.

Felicity's nose prickled with excitement, seeing Oliver crawl in the same bed that theyd shared many times. They hadn't slept together in weeks, and they both missed each other equally, even though Felicity wasn't too sure how Oliver felt anymore.

Felicity turned around, a bit awkwardly as she stripped off her shirt and unlatched her bra. Oliver was left staring at her bare back. He let Felicity slip on a shirt before getting up and going over to her before she could take her pants off.

He slowly and carefully let his arms slip around Felicity's back, to her stomach. She loved being hugged from behind. But this time, she jumped at the sudden touch of his hands.

Oliver's eyebrows creased with worry. He spun around so that he could peer into her eyes. "Felicity," Oliver made sure that his voice was soft, and approachable.

"Im sorry," She looked at the ground ashamed, but Oliver gracefully slipped his finger under her chin and pushed up gently so that he could meet her gaze again. Her eyes glistened with water and a salty tear slipped from her eye, and the tips of her lips tightened.

"Whats wrong?" Oliver wiped his thumb across her face, drying her tears. Before he could get out anything else, Felicity pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck and roughly kissed him. Oliver deeply exhaled between gaps and regained his breath through kisses.

Felicity let her right arm slide down the crease of his back, feeling his shoulder muscles and the dents that the scars had marked onto his skin. She reached the bottom of his shirt and glided it off. Oliver lifted his arms willingly, letting the shirt fall to the ground.

Oliver walked backwards, towards the bed and Felicity followed, their lips still locked.

Oliver leaned forward, forcing Felicity to lay down on the corner of the bed. She released her grip of his lips and scooted backwards a few feet so that she was in the middle of the bed. Oliver followed, going ontop of Felicity. She quickly began to undo his belt and roughly pulled it out of the loops, shifting Oliver's entire waist. His heart fluttered, and the noise of his heavy breathing was refreshing. He let his arms trail underneath her, ripping away her bottoms and revealing her sexy lace g-string.. his favourite colour-blue. Oliver let his lips trail slightly off of hers, engaging his tongue onto the tip of her bottom lip. He bit it, teasingly, and then slowly let his viscous, soft lips make their way down her neck and to her chest.

She was still wearing her pyjama top, but wasn't wearing her bra. Felicity shut her eyes and leaned her head back, engaging in his love. He let his tongue slide through the large space between the two buttons of her shirt, and circled his touch, over and over again. His large, firm hands slid down from her face and slowly towards her chest. She rounded her back into the air, forcing her chest up. Butterflies shot from her chest, all the way down to her toes. For some strange reason, her heart was filled with anxiety, left wondering what would happen next. I guess its not the bad kind, if that even makes sense..

Oliver began to undo the buttons of her shirt, while his lips found their way back up to hers. Felicity moved her fingers in circles just under the hairline at the back of his neck. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and a chill ran through him as his hands found their way into her shirt, grasping at her skin. But she didn't care, she wanted more. She knew that he wouldn't betray her.. he loved her. He loved her with everything that he had, and so did she. The fleece shirt that was uselessly dangling around her arms was annoying, so she lifted her body up with her arms, letting the shirt fall underneath her and slid her arms out of the sleeves, tossing her shirt on the ground.

Felicity quickly slumped back down and moved to Oliver's pants. She struggled with the button, but got it after numerous attempts. Her fingers found the zipper, and tugged it down roughly, sliding his jeans down moments after. He was wearing tight, short boxers with a blue jays symbol on the side. She made her way back to his lips, after taking off his jeans. She let her tongue glide into his mouth, scoping out the area. Oliver touched his tongue to hers, and slowly felt all around it as their lips still moved.

Oliver has had many affairs, but this one... this one was different. He could feel deep inside that nothing else mattered but her. Her looks didn't matter. Her personality shone towards him, something that no other girl could've done. And she could always see through him, something that no other girl was able to do.

Felicity moved her body upward diagonally, telling him that she wanted to switch positions. Oliver willingly let Felicity dominate, going on top of him. She bent down and kissed his abs, slowly peeling his boxers from his sweaty body.

Am I ready?
.. But I know that he can handle it. I can handle it. We can handle it. We're mature.

She arched her back again and found his lips. She moved her body up and down, swaying in motion with him. She let out a soft, pleasurable moan, and Oliver let his strong hands glide down her back feeling her spine as it bent with each move. This time, both of them were anxious. Their minds leaped with fear, but their hearts told them that it is love.

God I love him. Not the sex.. I mean yeah its good but.. he's so special to me. Words cant describe it. Its like I'm in lala land, with the man of my dreams.

Felicity gave Oliver all of her attention.


After a while, she walked off the bed and around to go beside Oliver. He slid over, making room for her and let her slip underneath him. They kissed with more passion and love then they ever have. It felt peaceful and reassuring to both of them. Their love is something unbreakable, untouchable. This kind of love only happens once. He is her man. She is his girl.


Oliver and Felicity's bare bodies touched underneath the blankets. It was a long night, and both of them were tired. Felicity and Oliver were face to face, gazing lovingly into each others eyes. God she had missed the numerous swirls and cool variations of blue spots in his eyes. And the way that green seemed to spill out of his pupils and fade into blues. He had missed her, too. He'd missed the quirky puns that shed always think of when someone talked to her. Hed missed the way that she always worded things dirtily by accident. He'd missed everything about her. He never wanted to go back to Ra's. But what would he do?

Felicity was getting tired and turned around so that her back was facing Oliver-she hates it when people watch her sleep. He curled up against her, their bare skin creating heat, and threw his arm around her. He could tell that she had fallen asleep within minutes. She loved being wrapped in his strong arms. He loved the way it made him feel when he wrapped his arms around her. It made him feel manly, and strong.


UPDATE!!! Some people said that it was a little too detailed on the sex, so I changed a bunch of parts for you guys (:

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