Chapter 50- A Never Ending Story

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 Oliver woke up to a warm filled palm with slight pressure on it. He tried to turn his head but stopped when an excruciating pain shot down his neck and through his spine. He tried to speak, but instead gagged a little on something in his throat. He squeezed the hand that filled his to make sure it was Felicity. 

"Oliver, we're okay." She said as calmly as she could. It hurt so bad so look over and see him on Life Support. The thought of knowing that if they took that tube out he might die, crushed her. She didn't need to be in the hospital bed anymore, she was only put there until she woke up because they checked the baby while she was still sedated. "The baby is okay too," She spoke softly, running her thumb along the back of his hand, something he would typically do to her. 

"You're at the hospital, you're on life support but you'll pull through i know you will. Its not as bad as it looks." Felicity read his mind, knowing that he wanted to know whats happening around him. "Nurse!" Felicity called patiently, making sure not to sound alarmed so that they didn't think there was something wrong.

A nurse came barreling around the corner, carrying a clipboard. Dr. Alex Reid stood at the end of Felicitys bed once again. "Fancy seeing you two here again,"

The biggest smile crept its way across Felicitys face. She jumped out of her bed, running over to hug Alex, the surgeon who took the microchip out of her and whom she trusted enough to tell about her father. "Oh my god, I can't ever thank you enough for what you did I seriously want you to know how much I appreciate you. Wheres Charlie?" Charlie is Alex's fiancé and the other surgeon who'd helped Felicity and Oliver last time that they were here. 

"Oh, thank you so much Felicity, wow. He's in the middle of a surgery right now but he shouldn't be much longer, they started a few hours ago." Alex said happily as she went to check on Oliver. 

He looked up at her with the brightest eyes. It was evident that he was extremely happy that Alex was taking care of him. She put another IV bag in and went over all of his vitals. "His vitals are all good, great sign, Felicity." 

Felicity sat back down on the hospital bed that they had provided for her. She moved it a bit closer to him until each side was touching and it was as close as it could get. She sat cross-legged on the bed and grabbed Oliver's hand again, trying her best to comfort him. 

"You haven't seen a guy with dark blue jeans, a gray shirt and a black coat, have you?" Felicity asked, the memory resurfacing in her mind.

 Alex could see the fear in her eyes but she didn't recall a man of that description. She shook her head.

"And what about the women that was in the hotel room that we were in?" Felicity's words were a little rushed and jumbled this time.

"She's in the waiting room. Do you want to see her?" Alex unknowingly asked.

"Nononono," Felicity said fearfully, shaking her head at the same time like a child. "She's my fathers sister. She's just like him from what I've heard."

"Oh! Well, you never know until you talk to them. She seemed nice when i talked to her." Alex suggested lightly.

"You talked to her?" Felicity sounded so alarmed as if she had already chopped off Alex's head.

Alex could tell that Felicity had PTSD from that time period when she was taken. She didn't want to tell her because it was a serious talk. She didn't want to jeopardize her friendship with Felicity.

"Look, Felicity. I hate to say this, and I might be wrong, but you might be suffering from PTSD.." She let her voice trail off as she took a seat beside Felicity. She sat in front of her and crossed her legs so that she could face her properly. She took her hand that wasn't holding Oliver's to comfort her. "Left untreated, it can be very serious. Suicidal actions can become of this and I don't want anything else happening to you, Felicity. You're an amazing person and Id hate to see a disorder take over your life. I know that you have Oliver to talk to, but maybe you need someone who isn't so close to you. Maybe you need some semi-professional help. Im always here for you if you need to talk about it. Im not a psychiatrist in any way shape or form, but I'm here to help others. Listen to my professional advice. I think you should at least get it checked out. If you have PTSD, thats fine its not a big thing to deal with, and if you don't thats fine too. You don't have to talk about anything uncomfortable, all you have to do is answer some questions. You can leave at any point if you want to and if you're not comfortable talking to a random person, you can talk to me and i can diagnose or not diagnose you. I think its a good idea to consider." Alex squeezed her hand a little for comfort and looked straight into Felicity's misty eyes. "Why are you crying, Felicity. Its not ba-" 

She stopped talking as Felicity let go of Oliver and her hand and hugged her. She squeezed her so hard and stayed like that for a while. Alex slowly put her arms around Felicity's body and absorbed her gasps for air. She could feel  a little wet spot on her shoulder and Felicity's body shaking slightly as she cried.

 "Felicity, whats wro-"

"I don't know. Nobody except for Oliver, which doesn't count because of course he'd care were involved, but the point is that nobody ever cared enough for me to tell me I need help. Thank you." Felicity finally came out of the hug and stared right into her eyes for a good minute before looking down at Oliver. "Y'know, right before all of this, he proposed to me. It was so sweet and it totally warmed my heart to know that theres a person in my life who actually cares about me a lot. So much that they want to be a part of my life forever. I just never had that growing up. The only person who had ever cared for me is my mother but she was always gone. Anyway. But then of course I had to tell him about the baby because I couldn't let him stick with this if he didn't know we were going to have a mini me or mini Oliver running around at some point. It didn't seem to matter tho. His tone of voice never changed negatively. In fact, i think he was happy. The baby wasn't planned but he actually sounded happy. And then of course this lunatic comes from nowhere claiming that he's not going to leave without taking me. He's got these gloves that burn so much. Oliver's so lucky he's not injured even more." Felicity paused, taking this time to sigh and look over at him. She smiled and then continued, "Yeah, ill get it checked out. But id prefer if you would do it. I don't know but talking to a complete stranger does not appeal to me." Felicity faked a laugh, which Alex seen right through, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah for sure. Im glad you're taking me up on this. I can go and get the questions right not if you want. Or you can wait. Its up to you." Alex said, gazing hard at Felicity.

"Now is fine, id rather just get it over with. Thanks." Felicity smiled as she watched Alex get up and leave. But the second she was out of sight a wave of despair washed over her. Her throat prickled and her eyes stung. A small tear rolled down her cheek but she wiped it away almost immediately, not wanting Oliver to notice. She had totally forgot that he was awake when she was talking to Alex, but it was comforting to know that he's still right there going through this with her.

 Its weird to think that she has PTSD. She's such a fun, happy and bubbly person. She makes everyones world better. Hearing and knowing that she wasn't appreciated throughout her childhood hurt Oliver so badly. But he couldn't even sit up never mind speak. He lifted his hand up towards Felicity's bed and shoved it near her hand so that she would notice and grab his hand. Within a few seconds, Felicity had grabbed Oliver's hand and managed to pull herself together and stop crying. Oliver was extremely proud of her for that, being so strong.

She wiped the last of her tears away before Alex entered the room with a clipboard and a pencil. She waited for her to sit down before taking an uneasy breath. 

"Ready?" Alex asked casually.

"I guess so," Felicity said, taking another unsteady inhale.

And so the questioning began.

This chapter wasn't as interesting Im sorry for that but Im gonna be writing all night so more chapters will be updated tonight hopefully if i don't get too tired haha.

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