Chapter 51- Continuation

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Oliver had been taken off of life support last night because he was doing so well. Now he only has one of those little tubes through his nose to help a little bit for breathing. He can talk now and move around. He's getting better so much faster, and thats when i realized thats a dramatic reason that he was able to survive the island. All of those scars on his body proved that he was tortured and stuff in that area and he survived it because of how fast he heals. He is strong. The strongest man I've ever met and the strongest man I will ever meet. He is also my man.

"Felicity," Alex said, walking into the room with a knock on the door. "Ive got your results. Would you rather be alone or..?" She let her voice trail off, suggesting that Felicity didn't have to do it alone.

"Here is good, I want Oliver here. Definitely." Felicity said, snuggling closer to Oliver for comfort. He  put his arm over her body and held her other hand with his free hand. They were sharing the hospital bed together.

"Okay," Alex said, taking a seat in the hospital bed that Felicity had been in last night.

She showed Felicity the stats, which sent her heart plummeting up her throat. Oliver began to feel her heart through her back and leaned over slowly to kiss her forehead softly in reassurance.

"See here," She paused, pointing to the highest bar on the graph, "You do have PTSD. Its not severe, but its there."

Felicity took an unsteady breath, trying ti reconcile with this news. "Oh god," Felicity said, looking over at Oliver. If she had it, how bad must Oliver have it. Oliver was in hell for FIVE years, she was only in her hell for about a month.  Her nose prickled the slightest, but she managed to fight against it, wanting to be strong for her sake and for Olivers sake. If she couldn't handle the fact that she has a serious disorder, no matter how slight it is, then how would she handle the fact that Olivers must be severe? And she did, she stayed strong and didn't cry, not even a tear, not even misty eyes. If anything, she was a little too cold. Oliver knew this must be shocking to her though, so he squeezed her body up closer to his and layed another kiss on the back of her head. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she seen a worried Alex staring down at her.

"No no, don't worry Im fine," She said reassuringly, directing it towards Alex. Oliver knew her better than that. He knew that she wasn't fine.

"Don't worry Felicity, were in this together," He managed to whisper in her ear without Alex hearing. This was all that she needed and she knew that he'd help her and that shed help him. It was obvious that Oliver had PTSD, she knew that even before but they never got a chance to talk about it. She never wanted to go into that mysterious place they had never gone before, it was foreign to her, but after this she knew they had to, and so did he.

And after a while of silence, Alex finally spoke, "The lady that was in the hotel room is still waiting here, I think you should give her a chance." Her voice was approachable and reasonable.

"Okay," Felicity mummered, feeling like she could beat the world right now. Which she though was strange. After finding out you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, wouldn't you be super worried and on edge?

Felicity didn't even realize Alex had left until Oliver squeezed her hand when the woman entered. Alex began to leave but Felicity reached out her arm and grabbed her hand, "Stay?" She said, wanting all the comfort and support she could lasso.

"Felicity, do you know who I am?" She asked, standing in the same spot a few feet away from them when she had entered the room.

"Yeah." Felicity said, a little colder than necessary.

"Im not the same as your father, just like you I'm not like the family. We-"

Felicity noticeably cringed when she said "we" which made her stop talking.

"Look, Felicity, Im so sorry that your father did that, but-" She tried to sound soft, but Felicity cut her off again.

"No, I don't even remember your name. I said I know who you are, doesn't mean I remember your name. And who else would want to go after me other than my fathers family? Theres no way that he has visitors, he's not even on this continent anymore. So if you're smart enough you'd be able to see it from my view and put the puzzle together. You are the one helping him get your sick revenge on me. I was just a little girl, how am I supposed to constantly make my own responsible decisions when Im taking care of myself and hiding from my psychopathic father and too ashamed to be seen with my mother, who is never home anyway. I was too little to understand. Sure Im smart, but theres a breaking point. A smart little girl in a broken household with loads of stress piling on her doesn't make her any smarter, it forces her to break down and forget the smart things about her. That little girl is who she is today because she finally put herself together and got a job when she was a teenager. The only reason Im so successful today is because I found an amazing person in my life who will listen to me and love me for who i am and is able to put me first, no matter what other priorities there are, which is something my family was never able to do!" She finished in tears, forgetting about holding it together. She ranted so much that things came piling back to her, the nights when her father would beat her mother and Felicity was the little girl hiding behind the broken bookshelf. The memories of being taken and beaten by him, her own father also came racing back into her mind. But she was strong enough to not  bury her face in Olivers chest, which she wanted to do, but she never took her eyes off of this woman and didn't move a muscle.

"Im Cheryl," She said softly, forgetting about what Felicity had just said.

It wasn't clear if she really was helping seek revenge on Felicity, but she let it slide for now, because she knew she was so much more powerful than Cheryl thought and she could hack into everything in her house and spy on her if she wanted to.

But Felicity didn't say another word.


Oliver and Felicity decided to take a cab back to Palmer Tech, where Oliver had proposed. He had lost the ring somewhere and now that everything was cleared up, he and Felicity had decided to get married. Felicity had gotten the baby checked out, and she was already about a month pregnant.

They decided to keep the gender a secret and toss around boy and girl names. They picked Donna as the girl name and Tommy as the boys name.

And Felicity couldn't get the sound of her new name out of her head. Felicity Queen. It had a ring to it and she loved it so much that she wanted to plaster it onto her forehead.

They had started planning the wedding already and Digg was the best man, Thea and Laurel were the bridesmaids. At most jewish weddings, there is a canopy at which the groom and bride stand under for the ceremony. They decided on a half jewish half non religious wedding. Felicity would still walk down the aisle, but Thea would walk down with her, instead of the brides mother, father or blood related family member.

But there was a lot more to come.

Im thinking of making the next chapter the wedding? What do you guys think? The next chapter may be the very last chapter of this book but I might continue on I don't know yet but advice would be great. Thank you all so much <3

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