..Fifty-Three..New Year Kisses..

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"Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen."

-Revelation 1:7

God bless you and may He be with you all! Jesus loves you infinitely and is coming back very soon. Every eye will see Him, and I urge that you dedicate your lives to Him! God is Good! Infinitely! God is Love! Always Thank Him!

What do you do when a car ride is a little too calm for comfort? There's your too quiet for comfort brother who's driving with some sort of conviction; you have your best friend sitting in the passenger seat with her finger in her mouth, staring at the night sky; your sister cuddling with her boyfriend in the backseat-making you miss your ex even more than you already do; and your mother in the way back of the 'stylish' mini-van, dancing to the loud music playing.

And you sit there...with some sort of void, with the new year looming within the sunset.

That was me at that exact moment. Last day of the year of 2014. That exact scene, not having a clue to where we were headed. I was dressed in white from head to toe for no reason, just a convinced antic by Elisabeth. And I realized that we really weren't going to Rio after all. I didn't know where we were heading.

All was silent, except for the music, until Andrew turned down the music, and he cleared his throat. All attention was sort of drawn to him at that moment, because he never really did that unless he wanted to announce something.

Then my eyes widened just a bit.

"Mama..." he started off quietly, and from what I could see in the dark car, Andrew kind of sped up, and I took in a deep breath, "since it's a pressing issue, and everybody I care about is in here; I want to be the first to tell you- that I kind of sort of..." my eyes quickly scanned everybody's face, but my mama's was calm, "got a girl named Meldoy Romarío pregnant and it was an accident and I flew her in-" he said in one breath but I heard several gasps, except from Elisabeth's and mine.

Then none of us said anything until my mama reached over me, and smacked his head, while screaming something at him so quickly, that I didn't understand it, and he screamed like a little girl.

"Mama! No! No, he's driving!" I yelled in his defense, and she was immediately calm. She sat down in her seat, and she folded her hands with most of us staring with wide eyes.

She crossed her arms, with a plain expression.


Is all she said, and whispers between Kat and Zico were exchanged before finally not talking as tension settled in thickly. We shifted in our seats, and my mother just burried her head in her hands, staring ahead with a blank expression.

And it was silent, like an eerie silent. Nobody said a word, and we kind of just stared ahead. And honestly, had I heard the news at that moment, I probably would have yelled at Andrew like my mother did. But then again, would have I?

What if I didn't catch Carol, or vice versa, at Neymar's house that night? What if I hadn't made up with Elisabeth? What if I didn't figure out why Andrew had left? What if I didn't go to the hospital and see Antonio there? What if...what if...what if I didn't introduce Meldoy and Andrew...and what if?

What if I didn't go to Barcelona?

What if I didn't meet Neymar?

The questions confrontd me all at once, and then one final would slipped in through them.

"Where are we going?" I asked, thinking aloud. Then there were a few looks and a shrug, and I sighed.

Well, I tried.

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