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"So tomorrow, you will no longer be Alana Amero. You will be Andrew Amero." Molly said as I stacked more papers in the holder.

"No, I'm going to be Alana, but Andrew on the field. Besides, I will no longer work for this dump." I put my feet up on the desk. I crossed my arms, and Molly grinned while shaking her head.

"Wow, I'm going to miss you!" she gushed. I smiled sadly as I kept rotating in the rolly chair. "From an intern, to a football player!"

"Sh! We can't talk about this in front of just anyone. There are snitches in the office." I whispered, and Molly nodded. Snitches like the woman who worked in the cubicle next to me, who did everything in her power to get me fired when I first started there.

"Okay, I won't." she nodded empethetically. "Hey, gotta go, my lunch break was over ten minutes ago. We're going to a party tonight, but I promise I won't let you get the slightest bit of tipsy!" she said while hopping off of my desk, and running out quickly.

I continued stacking files, reminding myself that I only had a few more hours of this tedious work.

I couldn't help but flip off my torturous coworkers as I left for the day.


Taylor had her glasses on as she kept her eyes on her book. I closed the door to our room, and she only spared me a glance. I set down my stuff, and sat on the bed to rub tired feet.

"So, Taylor," I started, and she turned slowly to look at me. I took iy as a cue to continue, "We've never spoken much, and uh...well you seem nice." I said to her, hoping to spark a conversation

"Hm." is all she said.

"Okay?" she nodded at me, and removed her glasses.

I guess that this sudden drop-off-the-map idea was smart. All I had to do was make some new friends in Barcelona.


Molly's friend sat on her roommate's bed as Molly tended to my hair. We had been silent, because any subject could relate to me leaving, and we couldn't have her friend hearing that.

Ever since Ayla gave me the makeup lessons, we bought everything that I needed to achieve 'boy status' as she called it. I had practiced the routine in front of her, and by myself. I was able to be timed to do it in two minutes if need be.

"Karen," Molly started as she braided my hair into a french braid. "could you get me my phone? I left it in your dorm." Karen sighed and left the room to retrieve her phone. "Good, she's gone for a few minutes." she said in a relieved tone.

"Yeah, what is it that you need to say?" I asked her.

"I want to ask you if you're sure about this." I groaned, this had been the millionth time that she's asked me this in a span of three days. "I am serious." she finished braiding and sat down on her bed with a sigh.

"Yes, I am sure!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"Are you sure you want to risk the possibility of not playing like you used to? You haven't touched a damn ball in two years." she retorted.

All this time, I had been caught up in trying to fake a deep voice, trying to look like Andrew, and reviewing notes from spanish class that I had totally forgotten the main point.

I actually needed to play well if I were to go to a big club.

"You didn't e-even remind me!" I yelled,

"I didn't need to. You should have thought about that yourself." she said, and pulled out her iPhone.

"You gave me the idea-"

Double Trouble // Neymar Jr //Where stories live. Discover now