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"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

-1 Corinthians 13:7

Jesus loves you guys! He died for our sins. He would have done it for one person. May God bless all! God loves you!

By the time we already arrived, there was an ambulance carrying my twin out of the building with many papparazzi surrounding him. Andrew was lolling his his head around, coughing as Leo and I stood from a distance. Leo started walking forward and I pulled him back. All I could do was stare, not crying one bit.

"What? Alana we should-"

"No." I said plainly.

"Why? Ana, he's your brother-" I shook my head.

"No." I looked at him and he looked worried. "Stay."

"What are you, deluded?"

"I'm not deluded. Shut up!" I yelled at him, and he backed off immediately. "I want to wait until the ambulance leaves, and then we'll find a way to get to the hospital." I said after we watched the paramedics load his gurney into the ambulance.


Warning, extremely long chapter ahead.


"Why are you so calm?" he asked me, and I didn't answer. I just watched my twin throw up once before the ambulance doors shut.

"Come on." I instructed Leo, turning around, expecting him to follow. I heard the scrape of his Adidas on the ground.

"Excuse me? Alana, your brother just collapsed on a floor and stayed out for over a half an hour! Why are you so calm? Do you even care about him?!" he yelled, and I kept walking.

"Leave me alone Lionel! That's none of your business!" I pointed a finger at him.

"Listen to what you're saying! I can't believe that you were freaking out and now you're so calm!" Lionel shouted, as he would scold Thiago when he spilled his juice. I shook my head, walking faster and faster. "Do you care that your only brother could have died?"


"Well, would you have cared if you still didn't like him with every fiber in your soul?" I stopped, my throat becoming dry, and Leo groaned.

"Stop making this about me." Leo walked after me. "Wait! I get it now," I started to jog, "you still hold grudges against him for things that happened years ago!" Leo taunted me, at least in my point of view.

"Stop it! Stop!" I finally burst into tears.

"Don't make yourself the victim when you're so heavily pressed and hurt by words and grudges, your brother could have died and you stood off calmly. Listen, you better get it together Alana." he finally caught up with me. "Stop crying to make yourself look innocent cause I'm not falling for it." I was not.

"Drop me off at the hospital."

"I'm worried about you." he calmly stated. "Ever since you got with Neymar, you've been tense, and I want to know why." I kept walking with my fists balled up.

"Cause Dodo told me that Neymar doesn't really care about me." my sore voice cracked more and more.

"So you're going to believe that? Really? Ana, you're gonna let that stop you from being emotional for your brother? Are you really going to believe that Neymar doesn't care about you? Neymar is crazy about you!" I shut my eyes. "Literally, you are always on his mind, in his conversations with me, and anybody else. Ana, when you ignored him he was so mad and couldn't stop asking for you, he asked Andrew where you were at one point." I slowed my fast paced walking, and then I turned back to look at him.

Double Trouble // Neymar Jr //Where stories live. Discover now