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"4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away." -1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Failure. That's what I felt like at the moment as I stared at my laptop. I had a paper due tomorrow, and as usual, I was typing it up the night before.

"I want it to be at least five pages without it double spaced! I shouldn't have to remind you all." my professor's nasily voice rang in my head. I looked at the page number, and sighed.

Page 3.

I continued to type furiously, and my mind started to wander. Who could think about bio chemistry all day? What if I didn't have to type this up? What if I continued my dream?

What if I weren't a total failure?

I messaged my temples with a sigh as I tried to get back on track. Four pages down, one to go. I ran my fingers through my coffee colored hair, and tried to focus, but the question kept nipping at me as I took a break to use twitter. I looked at all the tweets about football, and the question finally came out from my own mouth,

"What if I had continued playing football?" I pouted as I thought about it some more, and I heard a knock at my dorm's door. It was probably my roommate, Taylor. "Did you really forget your key again?" I rolled my eyes,

"Alana, open the door!" it wasn't Taylor, it was my best friend Molly. We went to the same primary school, and we were best friends ever since.

"Yeah, it's really important!" I heard Ayla, who was the only person I had actually befriended at the college.

"Alright!" I barked, and opened the door. I didn't mean to, but I was just more irritated now that I let overthinking get the best of me. Molly's eyebrow rose, and she nodded at Ayla.

"Ooh, I think she already knows." Molly whispered, and Ayla cheered as she handed her a twenty dollar bill.

"Guys, what is it? I have a paper to get back to." I said softly this time, and they just looked around my side of the impeccably clean dorm,

"Mrs. Teafall is working you too much?" Ayla asked, trying to avoid the subject.

It couldn't be that bad, but they couldn't seem to get it out of them to speak. I rolled my eyes again, and sat at the desk, trying to start off where I left on the paper. A few key strokes later, I heard whispering, and I tried to ignore it.

"Just tell her!" Ayla whispered, and I kept typing, waiting for them to tell me.

"Okay! Alana," Molly started, and I hummed, "Andrew got a transfer to FC Barcelona." my eyes widened, and a pang of jealousy shot through me. I knew there were talks of him going there, I just thought that it wasn't going to fall through.

No, I just didn't want it to.

I resumed typing away, as if what they said didn't affect me. It did, though. Andrew is my twin, and people often refer to him as the better Andrade. His career was successful, unlike mine that was going well until I had gotten injured. I was hoping that he'd stay in his league, and not go to play on the big stage.

It's also my fault that I didn't go back after I had healed. I didn't realize that I was crying until the screen dimmed. "Hey, it's okay! Think of it, you get to meet legends now that he's going to play with a few!" Ayla beamed.

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