if I had a penny..

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If i had a penny every time you hit me
I would had broke the economy..
If I had a penny every time you put labes on my face
Billions of dollars would be for me a,  as a present, a disgrace
If i had a penny every time you ve made me scratch my skin
One bilion cash wouldn t be a win.
..If I had a penny every time you made me fell i want to die
..I couls take my girlgriend now in Haway.
..So a penny isn t much,you d say.
..But add a couple more and it s worth alot in any day.
So..Dime with dime,dolar with dollar
It ll soon be a million.

..If i d cut every time you hurt my soul
It ll have more lines than Drawing with charcol.
If i d cut every time you lied
I d had more red around me than colours in pride.
If i d cut every time i wanted to run away from home
My breathing would be unknow.
So a cut isn t a lot,you d say
But put so many others to have a display.
.So,cut with cut,scratch with scratch
..Life isn t an easy or even fair match.

So yes.I chalange you,even beg you
Kil me now and end it,to give it a review
0 stars out of 10
..I hope i won t come back again.
..I can t take so much pain

i hope i see you in hell,mother
I m sorry she manipulated you,father.
I can t wait to see you burning in hell,tho
As you deserve it..just like a hoe.
Cuz no divinity should ever forgive
The sin of taking someone s life
While they still live ,right?
So,if there s a god out there
Or the universe itself,please beware
Of the awful demons
That live among us

..Oh,please dear night
Dear satan,dear good.
Take me away,so i won t live
But i d had a life achive.

..With due respect
Iris,your worst subject

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