And befoure my eyes
I started smiling again.
I tought I would never find these comets on the night sky
..I tought I didn t deserve to see them.
I tought i d better be off without them.
I tought that what I saw was enough and that I ll stop smilling seing them..But here I am
And I see them
..i am laid in the puffy grass that still had water on it,the piffy grass that smelled like nature and life and rain.
I amd laid in the puffy grass and I look at the clear sky to see those comets and Y know what...? I am smilling....Tho it s differeng this time.
Even tho a small voice tells me that it s stupid
And that I shoukd stop
Unlike befoure I don t.
...Because this smile isn t made up from wishes and pretend,no
This smile came from within.
This smile was made from the rock that is the comet and not the light that followed it...And just like my smile,this poem is differrnt to
As it s the first poem made with happines in mind.
Happines and something more..
Happines and comets