Heartbrake grater than torture itself

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I have needles in my veins tied with string
Someone s pulling on it.
Someone s pulling on it.

Someone,i don t know who
Is stramgling me,but lets me be free
When I almost go blanc.

Someone is pulling on my finger nails
With  pliers, hard metal pliers

And i don t know if it s the same person
That picking the meat inside my mouth with scrissors,small baby scrissors.

..But when I had you
When I had her
When I was alive
All that pain would have been the worst.

Instead right now i m feeling dumb
As I have felt greater pain.
Greater sorrow and greater tears.

I don t know what I did wrong
But I swear on the sun
That I did something.

Because she never brought me any pain
The hedgehog,my dear hedgehog, plucked its spines and needles away when it saw me.

My dear hedgehog always asked me how I am
My dear hedgehog told me when I was mistaken

My dear hedgehog witch I surely hurt
Is living a better life without me
And maybe i am on my knees,
Trought my tears
You may hear screams of sorrow greater than torture itself.
But i am thankfull I am not pain to my winged friend anymore.

He didn t steal her from me,
Tho sometimes I tell myself these lies to feel better about it.
No one stole her from me
As she is not mine

But the pain is unbearable anf finding pictures of my winged friend is the sweetest torture there is.

Sometimes I look at this drawing I did with her like the no horses person I am.

It reminde me of alot of things but,most importantly, it reminds me of life itself.

,,Bros befoure hoes" is something I never agreed on untill i meet you.
As the ,,hoes" tell you to comjt suicide and sexually abuse you and cheat.

..But the siblings of thy shall never even lay one needle on you,not even in a game.
They take your face in their warm hands and start saying how beautiful it is,
They stay hours and hours on calls with you
They do not lie to make you feel better as you understanding and evolvimg is more important to them than feeling better.

I have fallen in love with a friendship I have lost and I shall never recover from the burned spot that resembles the cigarett spot I left on you.
..But I shall color around it as I do not own you nor anyone else and I shall remember you as great as you was,are and will ever be.
As carying and loving as you are,because you were art herself and wisdom was your best friend.

Remembering is pain but I shall be a masochist for you,beautiful thing.
You really are beautiful,I don t know if I had the chance to tell you that
As your face alone was art and more human than everyone that came befoure you and everyone that will ever come
As your eyes resembled life itself,chancing in the sun like a galaxy of wonders.
If there would have been a devil,a true devil that is all knowing and bad doing, he would have kissed your rosy cheeks and kill every person,human or not,that has ever harmed you befoure repeting its sins and converting to being an angel again as plead for forgiveness for not being a dark enough shadow for all your light.

I shall remember you as the hearbrake that s greater than torture itself
The hearbrake of a emotional massochist that pulls out your picture ever so often

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