Hopefully an extra

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,,.. Who is he?"
I started asking myself this.
I tought I loved him.

I never hated him
I never hated anyone
And I ll never will

Not because I don t wan t to
But because I can t.

But some time ago I always lied to myself that you loved me
That you care

That when you would take me from the flames of the dragon
And let me rest near the fire
While you left

I tought you loved me and I saw you so up
I put you on a pedastal.

I always knew that I wouldn t make your list.
I never was a main character,or a side one
You onlu casted people like you.

..But I always told myself that you have me as an extra,somewhere
..deep down I knew I wasn t even that.

..But I wanted so much to be an extra in your play.

..So when disaster struck you
I tought I lost you
I tought I can t recognize you
I tought someone took the role of the main character
That you gave it away..

...But I never really knew you
15 years and I never knew you
..i tought a monster took you away

I tought a monster took you away
When you took me by my neck and trew me away
In puddles of paint

And you would paint me black
And paint me blue
And all the other colours you knew

And you would paint me pink
And paint me red
And all the other colours you have meet.

..You liked my art
You asked me about gradiants
You would remember everything I tell you.

..But every time you said ,,please,forgive me
I don t know what took over"
I knew it was cheap.

..You were sorry because you felt bad
Not because You tought the action you did was bad.

..So put the bottle down
And come to close the eye on my neck.
Because you opened it.

You opened the eye
Of ,,hopefully an extra" character.

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