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I always ring the dorebell
Like I ring ut everyday
And i had rang it
For years and years ,everyday.

You Sometimes open the door
Sometimes you don t.
But it s okay.
I ll stay behind the door and ring it once,everyday.

Befoure,you didn t respond to the door
Only when the cops were after you
Only when a great danger stroke
Only whem the worst was happening.
And after the storm was over
You always came to me.

We used to trow away whole summers
Just talking everyday.
We used to make plans
About houses and jobs and ants and food.
We used to play games on our phones
We used to laught untill morning.

I used to be your rigjt hand man
Knowing everything and anything
You always told me
I m the greatest because someone else
Had my rang
They would know as much as I know.

And that made me happy..
..Your trust made me happy
I never broke it.
I never stopped coming at your door
Even when I had others doors to ring the bell to.

When both were open
Sometimes,yes I admit
I wouldn t choose you.
But sometimes I would.

..But alas,that s in the past.
Now I have so many doors
I ring the bell only at your door.
I knock egeryday and wait
And you don t respond.
And inside it ain t chaos.
I hear a mans voice
He s laughting
So are you

And now ,unlike befoure
Now I m told time amd time again
That I don t know anything.
And that hurts me deeply
Yet I don t bother you with it
And you continue to repeat it.

Ans you keep saying you love us equally
But everybody knows you lie
Because I m told I don t know anything
Because qhen you open the door it s only
To talk about him.

Because I m trying my best to be
A teacher,a friend,a psicholog
To.help you with the man
To be your punching bag when you re mad
To be yet again the perfect friend
To not respons to anything mean that s told to me

..But when did that ever work?
When did ,,being perfect" worked?
It didn t work in romantic relationships
It didn t work in familial relationships
It doesn t work now in platonically ones.

..And I m trying like I always did
To be perfect,to be great,to be anything anyone has ever wanted
..So you could at least remember I m behind your door.

..I m sorry i don t have the conection he has
I m sorry I m still here,waiting behind the door,annoying you.

..It is your choice to not open after all
And I m not forcing you to do anything.

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