,,And I quote:"

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To quote myself
From a lomg..Lonh time ago
From a long lost story
And long lost chapter

,,Glass shreada trough your eyes,
So they ll leak the colour out
Lole uou did to my soul and life"
Was my first ever quote
Made by,truly yours.
A distant time
Where all of my problems erre simple

Fake friends,unsuporting parents
Little things,almost non existent
Compared to..What I have today.

And  so,I would like to tske that old saying
And tell it to someone to deserves it more
Not to a  little child that didn t deserve the atention they needed
To a person that was so childish,they didn t knew how to act when they have emotions
No.. That is long forgotten..Old friend.
Now,I would like to sing this saying
With my troat sliced open
With my eyes bleeding the colour of my soul out
With my hope long forgitten
To my dearest mom.

,,Sometimes my soul is so full
I am afraid it ll explode in a  million pices
And broke all the glass in my Roon
Sending projectiles back..At the owner of all of that"
Is another saying that didn t see the light
It wasn t posted like the last one
It was..Kept,in secret.
Treasursd like a gift from her.
..Again,I want to tell that shit
To someone who is actually cruel.. Retardet.Stupid and  malefic
Not to you,pal.
You just didn t think your actioms trough..

Not get me wrong.
I don t want to talk  to you.
I didn t forgave you.
I just..I don t hate you,anymore
It s a waste of my energy..
And I figured lit you were just..A fucking child and nothing more.
You didn t want tp hurt me
But you did.
And you didn t care
And it s alright,little one..
I hope we ll be friends in other time line.

,,I m just trying my best to be the best and even that isn t enough for you,just a brat"
I listen to you.
I wore everything you said
I smiles and waved
I did the cleani g,cooking
I huged you at comand (ew,lmao)
Yet you still wanted more!
You wanted me to bring money at home
When i am a fucking minor.
You wanted me to do your work.
When I am a fucking minor.
You wanted me to have no emotions
To not express anything
To act like a perfect robot
Yet  I am a fucking child.
A human,to be precise.

,,Old friend,you re scaring me.Take your pills and  medicine.I don t want you to suffer,or go in a beautiful place witouth yours truly by your side"
This one..This one is still foe you
You ve been my friend since the start
You love me,and I do too
(As a friend,ofc)
So please..Take care of you,Bianca
You mean.so...so...fucking much to me
Don t follow me.
Don t come after this bitch
Live your life..Have kids
Have a husband or a wife
Or,marry to someone of the other genders

Be a singer,be a dancer! Be an actress,use your voice
Draw anime,translate it!
Have a job and..Be happy.

And..So,I arrived at the last paragraph
I just want to say..
For not being a perfecr child.

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