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And ...It happend.

,,I am waiting"
,,For what?*
,,..I am just waiting"

,,What are you doing?"
,,again? What for?"
,,.. Something "

,,What s that drawing about?*

...I never told them.
I didn t want to give them the answer
Because then,their languace would change.
They would lie so I could feel better and they coukd feel better about themselfs.

...I hated that they wanted that.
I also hated when I get unearned I deserves that verry much so for my work.

...So what was the awaited gift?
Being someones choice.

Not the only choice
Not the first choice
..Someones choice.

..When I told him that they were one of my favorites I didn t think much about it
It wasn t a lie,it wasn t acting, it was just an honest confession that I said..Wasn t even a confession just..I don t know
A statement,maybe

..I didn t think they would care
Heck,I didn t even tought he would see it.

It mattered to me but it never mattered to anyone else

..But he saw it
And they responded
...I started shaking
Shaking and crying
And crying and shaking.

...And smilling.

,,You are also one of my favorites!"

...I am somebodys choice

..I wanted to scream and dance and scream again and dance even more!

..I was trembling and it was like the cold was no more!..

He ..
...The one and only.
The legend,the allmighty

The one who were so similar to thy

..I shall say,you deserve the symbol of the Pink carnation my good friend

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