stars-waterfuvker actual poem

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And yet..After everything,they stopped
He stopped from everything
And ..Well,he looked at the moon.
He leaned on the wodden frame
And stared at it.

..Stars were reflected in their eyes
Beautiful shining stars.
The forest was still burning,the river was still going
The books will always fall and the sun will always outshine the moon.
You can t stop that.
You can t take care of nature.

At least,not when you have stars in your eyes.
When a blue ribbon is tied around your neck
When the moon doesn t reflect the white shining dots.

You have to stop..Then and there.
You have to stop and count the stars.
They have to count the stars.
And..Yes, they ll never count all of them.
New stars take life while others are forgotten
And you can t cont a small dot when a bigger one is shining brighter.
..But the small dot is a star aswell.

You can t count all the stars,you can t see all of them.
You have to count the ones on your sky.
And you can t do it at day,when the tower is as bright as the single sun.
You have to do it when the night hugs you
In a tight welcoming gesture.
When every speck of dust is.there to count with you.
When the hedgehog comes at your window and stares at the white dots in their eyes.

Then..Is when you can finally count the masses of shining gas.

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