The moon and its stars.

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The moon rests
It rests on the night sky
But somehow,someway
It still had stars.

Being so far away
So up in the sky
The moon still had stars.

And somehow,someway
The stars couldn t be seen in any lake.
Because the moon was shining so bright
Yet the moon still had stars.

The moon showed its stars.
In any light,in every reflectiln
The moon was shining so bright.

This celestial being,the god of night
Had to have stars.
Because it wouldn t be strong and bowed upon
It wouldn t be amazing to look at
If it wouldn t had have stars.

Some people are locked in their house
In a weelchair made of plants
And they look outside
The most beautiful thing they ever saw
Was light from.the crecent moon.

And they said it blinded them.
They said it was ,,to much "
To light to see anything beyond
The quarter of a moon.

Like tasting salt after a life of eating unseasoned food.
The moon was the moon
You can t stop it from shining.
You can t kill its stars,even if it wanted to.

And other people saw the moon in its full Glory
Red moon,full moon,and every eclipse
They smilled,saying it s beautiful.
But those people were astrologist
And the moon was common to them.
Yet still beautiful.

No matter how many people from towers were blinded
Or how many people were unsurprized by it
The moon was just a celestial being
It doesn t have a soul,or counciouness.
It doesn t hear people,or toughts
So it s staying the same,doing it s course.

It stays the same,lighting,having eclipses
Being full or new
Because the moon isn t alive
The moon is just a rock who s flowing
In the night that s darkening

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