someone higher

4 0 0

The one whom shall be the princess
Shall call herself ,,the king"
Because this woman was a man.
No,no,not a transgender king
But rather a person that takes the blame
That a man usually shall get
And has the disavantages
A female often shall have

And as a person living in the palace
As the dirtiest one
Because the king often hung out with ,,commoners"
And ,,degenerates"
Because of that,amd because the palace didn t have a maid
Or a butler
Or a chef
The king shall be those aswell as many other jobs.

The king was a chef only when someone higher was hungry
The king was a butler only when someone higher demanded it
The king was the royal advisor only when someone higher didn t have anyone else to understand him.
Because the higher person talked about auras and magic,just like the king.

But with all of those jobs and more,the king shan t rest yet! Oh,no,she shan t.
The king,even if he s the royal advisor,he isn tvalowed to talk if her ideeas are outside the higher person understanding.
The king,even if she s the chef,she isn t alowed to cook sweets.
The king,even id she s a maid,she isn t alowed to clean the dirtiest and most toxic grime.

And oh, the king,even if she s the king,shall not make any public discussios.
Her image was made only and only by higher people.
And the king,even if she s the king,shan t grow any flowers.
Not even poppies.
And the king,even if she s the king, shan t look,do or feel anything other than what the list tells her to.

Because a king is a king.
A king shall be perfect.
A king shall be tin,a king shan t have any medical problems.
A king shan t cry,A king shan t be insecure about her body even if she s told by higher people how she s ugly.A monster even.
A king shan t be anything else than fenomenal.
A king shan t make mistakes.The commoners could.The higher people,but she couldn.
Because she was the king.
Her majesty,the king.

A king shan t be stupid,a king shan t dream,a king shan t make art.
A king shan t talk balk,a king should know its manners and its morals even if no one knows any of them.
A king shan t protect its people,because they were ,,commoners"..But the small and the common loved her.
A king shan t say anything else than ,,thank you" and ,,please", even when spit in the face.
A king shan t say anything to the higher people,even if they didn t deserve to be higher.
Even if their words and languace were even more downgrading than the commoners words.
Even if they were from far away,not from this kindom,and they didn t know the king
They shan t show any respect,even if the king did.

And even if they have children and claim they know how life s like
They spit and mock the king with tea.
But tea was higher than the commoners.
They can t afford tea.
Neither their children.

The king wasn t really a king.
Because ,,her majesty the king"is just a title.
It doesn t reflect anything,really.
Just like money
They exist becaus people say they do.
But unlike money
The king knew she wasn t a king.
But people say she was
So the king shall give her people what they want.
Another riot can t do any better!

.. But,alas
Her majesty didn t mind any higher people spitting on her.
And while she hate being the chef,the maid,the advisor
She knew she cannt take another route
Because in a cult
A cult with a white eye standing over everyone
A cult the people from afar weren t in
A secret cult only a few knew about
A cult were titles are given to you
A cult that the one inside called it a ,,kindom"

And the ones that were outside
Didn t understand why do we value tea
Why are we so ,,strange"
Why a king was a maid that was butler

But..It s not like I can say more.
It s not like I can say that her majesty the king
Was just some forgotten confused  teenager in the cult.
How a commoner that talked with her
Is leaving her behind for a man.
How the ones in the ezic revolution
Shouldn t eat in drinking hours
And shouldn t drink in eating hours.

How no one wants to be like this
How no one will understand fully the meaning of this written pice of art
How they will look at it with anger
And say ,,that s my name,the king is talking shit about me!"

The ,,castle" wasn t something for outsiders to understand.
It horrified them when they entered
And they leave as soon as they come.
Even if the king gave them food and company and anything they asked for.

That s why the king didn t have a garden
Even if she watered the plants everyday
Give them the best soil
Because in the cold walls of the cult
There was no sun.

..So the king,as much as she needed plangs to breath
As much as she liked tyeir colours and their smell
As much as she loves how different the flowers were from the brick walls

..They didn t last.
Even with stolen lanterns.
Even with reflections of the sun in mirrors.

..But I shall stop rambling.
The eyes,the outsiders,they don t understand what I say
And when someone doesn t understand something
They get angry and deffensive.
I shan t Hurt anyone.
I shan t burn anything other than scribbled papers.Gifts,or the trash that another sees as treasure.
Because there are eyes watching
And ears listening.
They listen and twist my words
So beware..Beware the outsiders as they should beware us.

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