,,Her majesty,the King"

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I m cold
I m always cold..
So I lit my candles.
I lit my candles and put them close to me

One smells like poppys
Another smells like tetrodotxin.
It s a gamble of witch smell you ll get
You never know witch one you ll get.

I m exausted
I need silence
So I close my door.
I close my door and I wait.

Sometimes I pun headphones on
It s a gamble if I ll get a happy or sad song
So sometimes I just stare in the void.

..But you re afraid I m going to die
You re afraid I loose oxigen
So you don t want me to light up my candles
You want me to open up my window.

And you want me to hear you
So you open up my door
And if I put headphones on
You ll talk as loud as screaming to be heard.

Most of the time I say I m a god
A divine being
Because,well,I am
But tooday I m telling you that
I am her majesty the King.

Her majesty the king
But you don t need to bow down
Because I don t have a crown
And I don t have money or fame
I am not known for being a likable person aswell.

I m not your typical kind of royalty
I am her majesty the king
Because my people choose me without my consent
And they told me to keep them toghether
And I can only agree.

So I give people coins I don t have
I am their judge.
They come to me to gamble
They either get something they agree
Or they can mock my judging and not respect what I say.

But I can t and I will never punish them
They re greater than me
They re my people,they chose me
So I,her majesty the King
Even if I wish to jump on them and pin them to the ground  with my feet as my hands hold toghether a big heavy knife that can slit their lungs like bags with milk
Even if wish to cut their limbe toghether and feed it to them bit by bit untill they don t have something else to cook
Even if I wish to grind their body and face on a grater
And even if I wish to light their irises on fire and turn their limbs as I draw on them untill the tip of my pen shall wreck the skin and reach their bones

I can t.
Because I am her majesty,the king.
Because i can only draw on myself
Because a king exists for their people and their people exists to live
So I bow to you

..Because I take my wicked title with pride
Because I,her majesty the king
Will continue to live on
Even if I am royalty.

Because a smile doesn t need a laught
Because being alone doesn t mean being sad
Because I,her majesty the king
I exists to please my people
And my people exists to live their lifes
And I don t exist for th as anything else
But I don t for me aswell.
I exist as an experiencw for me
And that s what matters
Because I m her majesty,the king

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