The lighter

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A spark
My spark.
The only spark.

..Sitting in this room with a small lighter I look around just to understand that  all the others have been chosen by the greater gods.
Shame,you know?
It really is a shame.

For a long period of time I kept a scroll,a lettet from an old friend that always told me that, when she gets her turn, I will be chosen by her and leave this place.
But after a man brings your friend roses,she must bring you a carnation,or,if you re lucky like me,a poppy.

Yea,along side my pink slip a poppy came with it..To be completly honest,I don t think that poppy was for me tho..

Along side the poppy and the pink slip,I also got a bottle of water.
It s an ironic gift.
We always have water here
In case we re tired of keeping our lighters lit.

When your lighter goes out,everyone has different experiences.
For me, personally,is simple.I recive some letters with the same promises of being chosen sometime, and I reignite it because it makes me hopeful
..,then a pink slip along side a carnation most of the time.

Some people just trow their lighter to the ground,scream a little,then they take it right back.

Others just burned themselfs with it and so they must heal themselfs befoure reigniting it.

The ones who are to tired to keep it light just trow it in the water and leave to do aomething better.
We re not tied to this place,after all,we chose to be here

..There were alot more cases,but I haven t seen anyone in such a long time.
They just have been chosen.

I haven t reignited my lighter in a while..
..tho I have recieved letters.

They just don t give me the same hope.
Deep down,inside,I know a pink slip will Come.
I m waiting for my carnation.

..I m wondering why did she send me that bottle of water?

..and why does it feel like plang water?
Rose water?
... Funny.

I knew you d like roses more.

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