The prince whom drank tea in front of the moon

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He used to be a racoon
A human racoon.
He had a mim and two siblings.
He was one of the death knights.
The death knight of illness,to be exact.

..The small man tought about that alot.
He changed.
He had a different name
He had a new story.
He had a new purpose
He wasn t even part racoon anymore.

..We both,him and I,forgot how he looked befoure
I remember just that he was fluffy
Fluffy hair, fluffy tail.
It was comforting.

..But how could he remain like that
When he was taken in a circle of darkness
Every time he wantedd to make a flower crown?
Well,he couldn t and he didn t.

He now drinks tea
He drinks tea,hair over his eyes
He drinks if in frint of the moon.

He stays on the fluffy clouds
And he drinks it from a coup.

And now we isn t the knight of death anymore,no
..He lives in peoples dreams.
In the peoples most sad dreams
In the suicidal toughts of others

And he trues to make them happier
He tries to give them a better life
Befoure the dreadded grim ripper in a pink skirt with goat eyes appears to take them on their last walk.

They were not that different,
Him and I.
We both worked for the same creature
With big horns,with spikes that everybody called the devil
Or the fallen angel.

..they often forget how everything us relative
They often forget how this angel was gods favorite
They often the one whom asks for slavery for eternity
Is god himself.
They often forget the one whim asks for you to make living sacrifices
Is god himself
They often forget how peoplr were burned alive
In the name of god himself
And not satan.

..I never tought about them as evil.
And now that I work for them
Along side him?
I can see that we re not so different
Us 3

I can see that we re alike
Us 3

I can see that we are fighting
Us 3

For the same thing that unites
Us 3

..And now the prince of dreams
Is drinking tea in front of the moon
He was scared to look at the black stripes of the night.
He was scared that the only way to see the light was to take the hair from your eyes

And now the prince of the night
Is drinking tea in front of the moon.
He was scared to stop telling stories to the orphans in town
He was scared that shuting his mounth will make others think that he s mute

And now,the prince of mirages
Is drinking tea in front of the moon.
He was scared of being a picky eater
He was scared that people will stop giving him food.

And now,the prince who walks among my stars
Is drinking tea in front of the moon
He was scared because he resembles me
Because we re not so different,him and I

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