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Hey guys, mr author here! I've seen a repetition of a few things that I've asked not to be brought up/done, so I feel like this is a useful chapter now that the book is completed.

First of all, let me introduce myself!

My name is BadLuck, or Jay if you're my friend (You're probably not if you had to read this chapter to stop making me uncomfortable). I'm an amateur writer and digital artist, who just so happens to be a vincian (mlm) trans male!

Now, what this is about. My boundaries!!

1) Don't mention MCYT in my comment section, especially the DSMP. I personally don't care for it, as a former MCYT fandom member. It makes me uncomfortable to have different fandoms mentioned in my TOH story so please don't do that!

2) Don't sexualize any of the characters I write, for many reasons! First of all, the characters are all canonically minors. Second, a few of these characters are OCs, and that's a bit weird! My third point leads to my next boundary:

3) DON'T BE CREEPY ABOUT GAY GUYS. This story is written for other vincians, or anyone else on the MLM spectrum!! This should be a safe place for them to enjoy a story without teenage girls being creepy about their sexuality.

4) Please don't spam me! It's really annoying and can ruin my day entirely.

I love this story, but if my boundaries keep being broken, I may be forced to unpublish it.

I'm sorry if I seem angry in this, I'm just tired of seeing things day to day that make me uncomfortable.

Now, onto a different topic, YOUR boundaries! They're important, which is why this is a list of TWs that show up, in case you want to skip out.

Blood/Gore/Violence/Arguments/Abusive Families/ Trauma/Angst/General Sadness

The story is - in general - not a sad story, but there are parts in the latter half that contain the tws above. They are plot related chapters, and may not be the best to skip, as you'll miss important dialogue.

Stay safe, have fun!

-Your author, BadLuck

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