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"shit, you good?" renjun cursed as he pointed out a sharp, red mark on ten's neck. with a shocked reaction, ten grabbed his phone to use as a mirror, and immediately groaned. how didnt he realise this earlier, "i.. have makeup?"

"yeah i dont even think makeup is gonna cover that," ten sighed, grabbing his bag, "i have a scarf. i'll wear that."

"so you had fun last night?" renjun teased, wiping the tables down and refilling the cutlery.

ten didnt answer, as he filled his cup with coffee. he didnt have fun. not in the slightest. with bite of his lip to hold in emotion, he looked up at the younger, shaking his head.

"i.. no.. i didnt. at all."

"oh ten," renjun ran over, seeing the boy's lip quivering. he'd been there for the boy when he'd done this in the past, so he knew what was happening. he hugged the man, as he cried into his shoulder, "it's bad again?"

nodding, ten struggled to keep his breathing steady as he sobbed. there was nothing renjun could do but hold him, so holding him is what he did.

"hey.. it's okay!" renjun smiled, gently pushing the boy back, to make eye contact, "i'm proud of you for how far you got! i'm so, so proud."

"yeah, jun. but i fucked it."

wiling ten's tears with a napkin, renjun shook his head. while pushing the boy's hair back, behind his ears, renjun spoke gently, "we all have bad moments. it's normal.." he comforted
ten, as tears continued to fall from his eyes onto his flushed cheeks, "you're making progress, love..."

renjun's kind words caused the boy to sob stronger. he took a deep breath, before shaking his head and standing straight, "i'm fine... it's fine."

renjun tilted his head at the boy, worried, but happy that he wasn't caving like last time. he would do anything for ten to be happy.


when the shop became less busy, renjun pulled ten to the side, as he could see how worn down and weak he was, and didnt want him to torture himself with labour.

"ten, go home," he smiled, receiving a confused look, "go home, get some sleep.. you're like, zombified."

shaking his head, ten looked around, avoiding eye contact with the boy infront of him, "i'm okay. only a few hours left."

renjun looked behind him, to see if they had any customers, which they didnt, "ten, please?" he asked, putting his hand on the boy's cheek, "i can handle these few hours. go home, have an afternoon to yourself."

"are you sure?"

a confident nod came from renjun, making ten frown, and hug the boy gently, "thank you, renjun."

"no worries, here," renjun smiled, reaching over the counter and grabbing a cookie, wrapping it in tissue and a paper bag, "have a cookie, go home and rest. do something that makes you feel... less shit."


cameras. makeup. racks full of clothes, and shouty photographers. johnny posed against another wall, as jaehyun watched from behind the lens.

jaehyun usually liked his job. he lovec the experiences he got from it. he loved working in the industry, and loved working with his boyfriend, but sometimes it was all just a little too much.

especially in chicago, where his english wasn't too strong. he was tired, bored and hungry. today just wasn't a good day for work.

"shoot is over!" the main photographer shouted. jaehyun took a deep breath, as he saw johnny running to him with a loving smile.

"you look sad, you good?" johnny asked, kissing the man's forehead before sitting down on a chair next to him, "you can sleep when we get home."

jaehyun sighed, resting his head on johnny's shoulder, "i'm tired."

"i know," johnny laughed, placing his hand on the boy's leg and smiling, "thats why we should get home, c'mon."

the car ride home was calm. johnny was looking out the windows at the civilians, as jaehyun laid dazed and exhausted on his shoulder. nothing different to a usual drive home.

until johnny spotted a young man photographing another man in the middle of a park.

"hey, sorry for being annoying- could you park the car over here quick?" johnny asked his manager, who obediently obliged, pulling over at the nearest possible place. jaehyun's head lifted up, as he gave his boyfriend a confused look, "i'll be back in a moment.." he smiled, setting jaehyun's head up comfortably before hopping out of the car.

the man was surrounded by photography equipment, and was awfully concentrated. he seemed to know what he was doing. johnny approached him awkwardly, not really knowing how not to be weird, as a man approaching someone in a park at night.

"hey, sorry to interrupt-" johnny started, chuckling when the boy jumped slightly, "i- you're a photographer, yeah?"

the latter looked confused, before nodding and replying with, "i like photography, yeah."

"awesome," johnny nodded, looking over to the person the man was taking the photo of, shooting them a smile, "i'm- a model- and my company are looking for new photographers to work with for upcoming projects and stuff.. i just saw you here, and i had to come up and ask-"

"man, i'm completely down," the shorter nodded confidently, "do i have to fill a form or-"

with a laugh, johnny shook his head, "no no- nothing like that.. do you have like, a business card or anything?"

"i have... an instagram?"

johnny nodded, grabbing his phone from his pocket and opening instagram, "here, send yourself a message."

"wh- what do i send?" the boy laughed.

"anything. like- hey or something," johnny laughed along too, as the boy typed something secretly, before handing the phone back, "awesome, thank you!"

"no worries!"

johnny jogged back to the car swiftly, hopping back in and placing jaehyun's head on his shoulder again, as the car began to drive to their apartment.

johnny jogged back to the car swiftly, hopping back in and placing jaehyun's head on his shoulder again, as the car began to drive to their apartment

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tentography we stayed in that park until 10pm. we got some good pictures out of it though!

shutterbug ~ johntenWhere stories live. Discover now