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"fuck off~" johnny whined, as jaehyun was annoying him in the kitchen. ten was still asleep, as far as he knew, but the bedroom door was left open, giving him full ability to hear anyone else in the house if he was to be awake.

johnny was getting agitated at jaehyun not being patient, and doing things around him as he made his morning coffee, like grabbing things he needed, and opening cupboards above his head, and near his legs.

he knew the boy didnt realise that it was actually annoying him. he was taking it as a light hearted joke, but johnny wasn't. he knew it was a small thing, but he wasn't the happiest with jaehyun at the moment, due to last night's happenings.

the thing that got him, was when he was gently nudged to the side, seconds after finishing his coffee. he knew it wasn't meant in a malicious manner, but it was really the icing on top of the irritating cake.

"fucking hell jae! can you stop!?" he huffed, raising his voice. with his hand on the latter's shoulder to get his attention, he added, "i'm clearly busy, you could just wait, or atleast ask me to move out the way?"

"what?" jaehyun laughed taking a sip of his coffee he'd made a few minutes prior, "i'm just getting ready for work."

"work? what do you mean?" johnny asked, not making eye contact, as he knew looking at the boy right now would just annoy him.

"solo shoot."

"mm. okay." johnny nodded, confused. even for solo shoots, they'd usually both be contacted, so he didnt completely know if he was telling the truth.

he didnt care though. more time with jaehyun away from him, meant more time alone with ten.

"plans for today?" jaehyun asked, as johnny walked past him, over to the sofa. he retrieved a head shake in response, "just gonna hang out with ten, then?"

johnny hated the way tone in which he spoke ten's name. he hated the faces he pulled, as it was very obvious he was bitter. it made johnny feel bad, although he knew he shouldn't. it wasn't his fault ten was a better person than him.

"dunno. he's asleep," he said bluntly, turning on the tv and laying back, "stop saying his name like that."

"like what? ten?"

johnny was becoming frustrated, but shook it off, as it was early, and the boy was leaving soon anyways.

"what do you mean, johnny?" jaehyun asked again, "dont be blunt."

"the way you say his name. if you dont like him, why do you talk about him so much."

"i just think it's funny how fast you moved on."

"... jaehyun, you cheated on me."

the room filled with an shrilling silence, as jaehyun sighed, drinking some more. neither of them had any more to say. until ten waddled in with johnny's hoodie draped over his body, and his hair messy.

"isn't it time for you to head to work, jaehyun?" he walked past, sitting with johnny who almost immediately trailed his arms around his waist. ten let his hands drop to the boy's thigh, in attempt to comfort him as he could tell how tense he was becoming.



"i'm sorry." johnny sighed, as he watched ten take bites from the toast he'd just made, "did you sleep okay?"

"nah," ten said honestly, as johnny laid back. he'd calmed down now, and was watching tv, "it's okay though, it wasn't your fault, and i dont feel too shitty."

"mhm.." johnny nodded, patting his chest after ten finished his food and watching as he immediately climbed into his arms, "sorry about him."

"johnny, it's fine, i promise.." he looked up, seeing johnny's tired face, "if anything, im sorry, for you having to deal with him."


"it's okay, alright?" ten tilted his head, placing his hand on his cheek, "he wont be here for much longer, then i can spend much more time here."

"can you move in with me?"

ten's eyes widened. he wasn't surprised. he knew johnny wanted this, and he wanted it too, he was just shocked at how early he'd asked.

"eventually yes, i promise i will," ten smiled sweetly, falling down into the boy's chest, "once everything is sorted, i'll move in here, if that's what you want?"

"yeah.. it's really what i want."


ten: hi angel

johnny: hi pretty

ten: is he home?

johnny: he hasn't come back yet. i dont think he went to a solo shoot lol

ten: wow. lying. so attractive :///

ten: sorry he's a dick LOL

johnny: i'm used to it !!!!

ten: how are you?

johnny: i'm in bed, i ate dinner earlier!

ten: what did u have my dear

johnny: you sound like my grandma

ten: oh!

johnny: LMFAO sorry also i ordered mcdonalds nothing exciting wbu

ten: dude r we on the same brainwaves i also got mcdonalds

johnny: omg 💞💞❤️💗❤️ this is a sign 👨‍❤️‍👨💒💌

ten: giggling audibly rn

johnny: hehe

johnny: i'm sleepy, im probably gonna sleep early !!

ten: okay!! that is fine!! sleep well <3

johnny: you tooooooooo <333

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