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"what are you doing here, it's like- two in the morning-" johnny asked the man stood at his door.

"i came back for you~" jaehyun giggled, almost falling through the door. johnny used his body to hold the boy up and out of his apartment.

the man was obviously drunk, and johnny just really was not in the mood. he was shirtless in pyjama pants, not bothering to change when he looked through the peep hole and saw who was stood there.

"i- what?" johnny rubbed his eyes with a tired sigh, "go home, jae.

"i want to be here~ for you~" jaehyun smiled widely as his eyes struggled to stay open, "just- lets- spend tonight together-"

"i'll call you a lift- just- go home, jaehyun."

johnny took his phone from his pocket, to call jaehyun a taxi home. said drunk man laughed to himself, leaning against the wall as johnny tiredly stared past him into the hall.

"but johnny~"

"shh- hello? yeah, can i get a taxi please?"


johnny sat on his doorstep with jaehyun, just to make sure the man didnt do anything stupid, or leave before the taxi arrived.

as much as he wished he wasn't in this situation right now, he'd feel terrible if he just sent jaehyun away.

"what have you been doing?" johnny asked, watching as the boy took a sip of water. he'd given him a pint glass full of water, making sure he drunk it before he left.


"any schedules?" johnny attempted to make small talk. mostly just to keep him awake, "anything exciting?"

"no. i've been bored. and sad."


"yeah," jaehyun giggled, drawing patterns on johnny's leg. the older moved his leg away subtly, not necessarily wanting the latter to do so, "can i move back in~? it looks so tidy and nice."

johnny shook his head, knowing he didnt mean anything he said and was drunk. he also laughed a little, knowing the reason it was nicer, and tidier in the apartment was due to him moving out, and ten moving in.

"but johnny~~"

johnny's phone rang. he answered it and stood up, before hanging up again.

holding his hand out for jaehyun, he spoke, "taxi's here, get up."


"come on, jaehyun," he sighed, grabbing a coat from the hook next to his door and throwing it over his bare torso, "i'll take you down."

"mmmhm.." jaehyun nodded, not letting go of johnny's hand and following him down the stairs, "can i come over again?"

"i dont think sober jaehyun will want that," johnny sighed, shaking his head, "make sure you get home safe."

"mm. i'll try."

"i'll text you in half an hour. be careful."


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johnnyjsuhUPDATES just tweeted!

Johnny Suh and Jung Jaehyun spotted after supposed split outside apartment.


ten: *sent a tweet*

ten: johnny??

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