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ten: *sent a tweet*

ten: johnny??

johnny: oh fuck off

johnny: not you

johnny: them

ten: ??

johnny: ten i promise you he just turned up

johnny: he was drunk, and being stupid. i called him a taxi and took him down so he didnt fall down the fucking stairs or something

johnny: this looks terrible i am so aware of that

johnny: i pushed him away i didnt let him do anything

johnny: please i just

johnny: its not what it looks like. and i know i shouldnt have to say that but good lord i did not want him there.


ten laid in bed, staring at the ceiling as tears fell down the side of his face and into his ears.

his head hurt, and his heart was beating faster than usual. he hated this.

he trusted johnny, he really did. but there was something making him feel like shit. he couldn't stop crying, and there was a knot in his throat making him feel nauseous and shaky.

renjun had gone home this evening. funny that, huh?

he didnt want to call, because he'd spent the last few days with him, but he really did not know what to do.

sitting up, his bottom lip quivered as he sobbed silently, his knees to his chest as he hugged them.


renjun: are you okay? need me over again?

ten: you saw?

ten: i wouldnt say im okay but you dont need to come over :)

ten: ill be fine

ten: he spoke to me.

ten: i'll be okay when i sleep

renjun: alright <33 please do not hesitate because i will be over in 5 if you ask

ten: i love you sm

ten: get some sleep, i'll be okay

ten: you probably need some from babysitting me LOLL

renjun: 😭😭😭

renjun: i am very tired

renjun: not from u tho. just in general

renjun: im gonna sleep as long as you assure me you'll be okay

ten: i will 100% be completely okay <33

renjun: alright , goodnight <3333

ten: sleep well <3 <3


ten couldnt sleep. it'd reached around four- five am, and he couldnt even get a wink of it. he was getting sick of laying in his own tears and annoyance, so he'd gotten changed into warmer clothes, and was about to leave his apartment.

he didnt really know what he was going to do, but he needed to do something. maybe he'd find a coffee shop, or an open deli.

all he knew is that he needed fresh air.

he took a coat, shoving his phone into one pocket, and his wallet into the other before leaving, and locking the door.

the cold, morning air hit his cheeks as soon as he walked out the building, only to realise it was raining heavily, the streets covered in puddles.

his feet were already damp, as he shook his head and walked out into the downpour. his hair became wet almost immediately, but he needed this. he didnt care.

he breathed deeply, the cold air waking him up a little, making him feel slightly more alive than before.

there were so many thoughts in his head to the point he couldn't focus on a single one, but he ignored them all as he walked at an average pace down the chicago streets. probably a strange sight considering the weather.

he spotted a small convenience store with the lights on, and walked towards it, not really caring. he wanted to buy something, just to make the outing worthwhile.

smiling at the cashier as he entered, he pushed his completely soaked hair back, walking down the isles.

he wasnt craving anything at all. he had no idea what to get. but he was here now, so he had to buy something.

knowing it wouldnt be the most intelligent idea, he walked through the magazine isle, scanning it. he smiled but internally cursed when he immediately reached for the johnny cover.

this was really going to be the thing he'd buy, when on a walk to clear his mind of said man.

he was ashamed, but thought the man looked cute, so he grabbed that along with a coffee and payed.


hi shutterbug enjoyers. how r we feeling. teehee

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