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ten: at work. thinking of you

johnny: want me to stop by? i'm going out, i could come see you!!

ten: pick me up when i finish? ;) where r u going?

johnny: just getting out of the house. jae was driving me crazy

ten: :(( is he being the same?

johnny: worse, even

ten: johnny love, in the nicest way, when are you kicking him out? you cant live with him. he's damaging

johnny: i know :(( i want him out. i want you to live with me instead

ten: thats cute

ten: is that what you want?

ten: because i'd be completely down if you wanted me to...

johnny: i do want it, however we're not discussing it yet LMFAO, but i really want it.

johnny: about wanting stuff, do you want me to bring you anything? i'll be there in 30ish at least.

ten: just you :))

johnny: i could get u a coffee

ten: johnny, oh johnny, my sweet sweet angel

ten: i work at a coffee shop


ten: LOLL pls just bring urself. and maybe a jacket im kinda cold i left mine at home


johnny smiled as he walked into ten's workplace. renjun was at the counter, who just smiled back at him. before opening the door into the back of the store and yelling "ten! your man's here!"

johnny chuckled, blushing slightly before ten shouted back "send him through!"

renjun opened the door letting the tall man squeeze through. ten ran up to him immediately, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"fuck- it is cold in here, huh?" johnny laughed, hugging the boy back before passing him the jacket he'd bought him, "why didnt you say earlier, i could've bought you a jacket hours ago stupid."

ten shrugged with a smile, putting his hands in his pockets, "i didnt wanna make you come out if you weren't planning on it."

johnny nodded, following the boy into the staff room.

"the heating went out." ten laughed, grabbing johnny's slightly warmer hands as they sat on the sofa together.

"yeah no, i assumed," johnny laughed, "when do you finish? come back to mine."

"yeah?" ten smiled, tilting his head "i finish in a little than an hour. hang back here, i'll bring you cookies."

johnny chuckled as ten ruffled his hair, before kissing his head and quickly walking back to renjun behind the counter.

johnny felt his stomach do backflips, somersaults, all sorts, as he smiled to himself, grabbing his phone from his pocket and scrolling through it.

he wasn't happy. he didnt feel safe at home with jaehyun. this was the lowest he'd ever been. he didnt feel content with life. he didnt enjoy his job anymore.

but he had ten. ten made him happy. he made him feel safe, and he made him feel loved.

he knew ten wasn't doing good recently either. but he hadn't mentioned anything. he could tell something was off.

he shook it off, and before he knew it, ten was back in the room, grabbing his things from his locker, "finished?"

"mhm!" ten smiled, passing johnny a coffee and a cookie, "eat up."

johnny smiled at the goodies the boy had bought him, thankful. he watched the younger roam around the room, grabbing his things and throwing them into his bag nonchalantly.

"you're gonna break something in a minute," johnny scoffed, before ten walked back over to him, laying his head on his thigh with a yawn, "tired?"

"a little."

stroking the latter's hair, johnny looked down at him with the most adoring smile he could, "ill make you dinner, are you gonna sleep over?"


johnny: why is everything in boxes?

jaehyun: moving out

johnny: what? where are you going?

jaehyun: ill be safe. moving with a friend

johnny: are you sure?

jaehyun: johnny i know you dont want me there anymore. i'll be over early hours tomorrow to grab the last of my stuff in the boxes.

johnny: right okay


ten frowned as he held a quietly sobbing johnny in his arms. part of ten was hurt at how he was crying at jaehyun leaving him, but he understood the pain.

he had tears in his own eyes at the sight of johnny so broken like this. he wanted to be able to cast a magic spell and make it all go right. but alas, he couldnt.

"why wasn't i good e-enough?" johnny hiccuped, as ten massaged his back like a baby. he didnt know what else to do other than be there, so thats what he did. he frowned, wiping his tears and kissing his head repeatedly.

"johnny, you are good enough. you're good enough for me.."

"i .. i know.... and thank you," johnny started, looking up at the boy with glimmering eyes and red cheeks, "but i dont.. understand. he loved me. what did i do wrong?"

ten had no response. in all honesty, he didnt know. he was just as shocked as johnny was when the news came out.

he just sighed, pressing the boy's face into his chest gently, before pulling the blanket more over the two of them.

"johnny, i don't know..." he admitted, making the boy's breath hitch once more, before he stroked his hair to calm him down, "but you're here with me, and you're safe. i'm not letting you go, alright?"

johnny felt his heart break in real time, before he just relaxed. he felt his body melt in ten's hold, before he sighed, with a slow nod.

he wished this feeling would disappear.

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