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"renjun, he's in a relationship," ten laughed, as renjun tried to convince him to hook up with johnny, "and anyways, i couldnt see him like that. he's just a cool guy."

renjun rolled his eyes, passing ten a cloth to wipe the tables. it was after their shift and they were shutting the store, which was always fun..

ten sighed with a giggle, wiping down the tables, before his phone went off.

johnny: are you busy?

ten: just finished work, is it urgent?

johnny: could you be ready in like 30 mins?? we've got a shoot and i want them to see your work. we can pick you up

ten: oh god uh

ten: if i rush yeah

johnny: awesome

johnny: you want to?

ten: 100% yes

ten: i gotta go now then

"i'll close up," renjun laughed, reading the texts over the boy's shoulder, "go on, get a move on."

ten turned to renjun with the brightest smile, before hugging him tightly, grabbing his things and running home.

he'd never gotten ready this quickly. johnny's company's car had already pulled up infront of his apartment, which just scared him a little more. but he stayed centred, styling his hair and grabbing his equipment.

johnny: dont rush, i can sense you already are.

ten: man 😩😩

ten laughed to himself, but didnt mind rushing. it was something he was passionate about, so he quickly shot out the door, running to the car. 

"i told you not to rush," johnny laughed, as ten said hello to the boy's staff, before hopping into the backseat with johnny, "got everything you need?"

ten nodded confidently, as the car started and they drove off. johnny shot the boy a smile, before tilting his head, "you look tired."

"i am."

johnny scoffed, "why'd you agree then?"

"because! i'm just amazing like that." ten joked, looking out the window at the sunset. he loved car rides. he rarely got them, as he didnt really know many people who drove. they made him feel so calm.

"mhm.." johnny laughed, looking out of his window too.


three days later

three days later

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tentography: another shoot i did with @johnnyjsuh a few days ago  :)

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tentography: another shoot i did with @johnnyjsuh a few days ago :)


johnny missed ten. he missed having something to distract himself with. he hadn't spoken to jaehyun in two days, and hadn't seen ten in person for three. he hated being alone like this .

he loved talking to people. but he didnt have many people to talk to. he couldnt talk to ten, they didnt know eachother that well, and the boy had a job. he couldnt text jaehyun too often. he was busy.

his other friends had their own lives. his fame had created a wall between them. he hated it so much. he just wanted to restart.

he wanted a hug.
he wanted friends.


crispgossip Model #JUNG_JAEHYUN Caught kissing unknown male figure in Seoul, Korea outside a nightclub on Friday 🔥johnnystan uhh yikes?jaejaebae finally he got away from that weird ass guyjohnsuhs what the fuck

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crispgossip Model #JUNG_JAEHYUN Caught kissing unknown male figure in Seoul, Korea outside a nightclub on Friday 🔥
johnnystan uhh yikes?
jaejaebae finally he got away from that weird ass guy
johnsuhs what the fuck

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