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ten groaned, sitting on the couch in the dressing room.

the shoot didn't go well.

their chemistry wasn't the same due to the former problem in the dressing room just minutes before. johnny wasn't able to get in the moment, and ten was just frustrated.

the lights weren't right, the camera wasn't focussing, and ten could not stop shaking.

johnny had made more comments, more concerned about the schedules being completed successfully, than ten's well being, making him gradually more upset.

"i wanna go home."

johnny stood in the middle of the room, not being able to figure out if by ten's body language, he wanted physical attention or not. so he stood stationary, watching ten frantically pack things in his bag.

staff started appearing in the door way, to whom johnny politely shooed away, shutting the door.

"ten, please," johnny spoke quietly, "we only have to go-"

"oh fuck off, johnny."

ten stood up, scooting straight past johnny with his bag open, thrown over his shoulder.

"ten-" johnny sighed, frustrated. he took a deep breath, knowing anger wouldn't be the best idea, but not being sure how long it'd last without it, "shit, man."

he shook his head, grabbing his stuff too.

"what happened?" one of the staff asked, walking into the room quickly.

"i- dont know. you tell me, honestly."


ten: come over if ur not busy

renjun: johnny's?

ten: no

ten: my house

ten: please

renjun: getting up now

renjun: is everything okay? do you need anything?

ten: if there is any medication to stop you from wanting to kick ur boyfriend in the nuts and slap some sense into him you could pick some of that up for me :)

renjun: oh!😀

renjun: right okay!

renjun: i'll bring vodka

ten: i love you

ten: please get here quick before i punch a hole in my wall x


johnny: ten?

johnny: where are you?

johnny: we have an interview at four love

johnny: we can talk in the car, if anything has stressed you out.

ten: please stop?

ten: if you havent figured it out, i'm not going to the interview, johnny

ten: im at home, i'm staying here until i feel better

ten: im sorry but i can't deal anymore. 

ten: i feel like i am losing my mind and i am just so overwhelmed and stressed and i just need a break i'm sorry.


renjun held ten in his arms as he cried quietly. the crying wasnt stressful. it wasn't overwhelming, or hard for renjun to control. he could just tell that ten needed to let it all out, and he was willing to be there for him.

he'd been explaining the whole situation for a while to renjun, but ended up completely in tears.

"did you sign a contract or anything?" renjun asked, as ten had previously panicked about getting in trouble, or something similar.

ten shook his head, "not- not that i know of.."

"then i'm sure you'll be okay, ten.." renjun spoke gently, stroking his hair, "you said they have another photographer, right?"


"it's okay."

ten sighed, sitting up and grabbing a tissue from his coffee table. he hadn't been home in weeks, and this is how he returned? he found it quite humorous, actually.

"it's not just that. it's johnny too. i'm scared, because i got so pissed at him. i'm not supposed to be that mad at him, and it's scared me.." ten sniffled, taking deep breaths to steady his heartrate, "can we order food?"

the two laughed at the sudden change in topic, but renjun nodded, "have you spoken to him?"

"texted him before you got here... i was just honest."


johnny: management want to know if you're going to post the pictures?
- seen by ten, 3:29


tentography not photography, but my renjunnie <3

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tentography not photography, but my renjunnie <3

renjunnah cute

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