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"you're awake?" ten laughed, feeling johnny move around and make small sounds. he'd been awake as johnny slept for the last two hours, watching tv, "you okay?"

johnny nodded, sitting up and stretching like a kitten, ten watching him with nothing but adoration towards him. he giggled when johnny's shirt rose, revealing his stomach, making the older laugh too.

"what time is it?"

"almost seven..." ten smiled, as johnny stared off into the distance. ten admired his pretty lips, puffy cheeks and messy hair, "hungry yet?"

"i'm starving," johnny chuckled, "we'll order something."

"mhm!" ten nodded, sitting up and stretching too, after sitting in the same position for a while, "got enough sleep?"

"mm.. probably not, but i'm hungry."

with a laugh, ten rested his head on johnny's shoulder as he ordered food on his phone. something about the quiet tv in the background, johnny's sleepy yawns and his gentle scent made the boy feel so safe and calm.

"pizza? pasta? burgers? what d'ya want?" johnny asked, snaking his arm around ten's waist, pulling him closer, "i dont mind."

"uh... pizza?"

"mhm!" johnny nodded, gently rubbing ten's side. his heart felt so happy.

neither of them knew how ecstatic the other one was to simply be together, holding each other.


after eating their food, the two were once again in eachother's arms. this time, ten was laid in johnny's arms, his head on his chest and his hand intertwined with the latter's.



"sit up, i wanna talk," johnny spoke calmly, as ten groaned, but sat up, "hi~"

"hiya~" ten giggled, as they sat face to face.

"i.. dont know... how to do this? without being weird and cliché and- y'know," johnny stuttered, as ten focussed his whole attention on him, "but.. it feels different.."

"yeah? i'm listening."

"mm... i dunno, it's just.. it's felt different," he explained, looking down at his hands, which ten held, "and like- everytime i look at you... i just.. wanna kiss you. opposed to how i'd usually look at you and just think you were pretty, it feels different and i'm sorry if i make you uncomfortable because i know how you feel about it and i really dont want to make things weird but i really really like you and-"


ten kissed his lips for a few seconds, gently, but enough to make johnny stop rambling.

and it did

johnny was speechless. ten just sat, smiling sweetly at him. he had nothing to say, as his mouth rest slightly ajar.

"did that somewhat solve your problem?" ten teased, pushing the boy's chin up slightly, so his mouth closed again, "or make it worse?"

"i- wha- hm.." johnny gave in, his shoulders dropping, making ten laugh, "is it too much to ask you to do it again?"

"never too much," ten smiled, "you want it again?"


ten kissed him once more, this time for longer, holding the back of his head and putting more effort into it. he smiled when johnny kissed him back, but not kissing too much.

he watched as johnny sat still again, staring at nothing but his lips, "feeling okay?"

johnny smiled, covering his face with his hands and falling backwards. ten laughed, climbing onto his chest and giggling, kissing his chin and neck.

"i'll take that as a yes," ten smiled, as johnny sat up, keeping him in his lap, "dont ramble so much. you're fine. believe me, if you weren't, i wouldn't be here right now."

johnny nodded, holding ten's waist and admiring him, "are you okay?"

"why wouldn't i be?" ten laughed, pushing his hand through the latter's hair

"my issue was like.. you told me a while ago that you didnt know how you felt towards... y'know.. that.." johnny explained, "i didnt know if it was still the same."

"i've had time to think about it," ten nodded, "and theres so many other things that are still a no, but i was ready to kiss you, johnny. i needed to."

johnny had never felt this flustered. he smiled, nodding.

"you're fine, i promise."


johnny's story

johnny's story

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