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jaehyun: hi <3

johnny: helloo

jaehyun: how was yr day? ive just landed in korea

johnny: good!! i hung out with ten :D how was the flight?

jaehyun: the photographer dude?

jaehyun: and yeah it was alright. a loud shouty screaming baby wouldnt shut up though

johnny: baby probably hates gays

jaehyun: ...

johnny: WHAT

jaehyun: LMFAO

johnny: & yes the photographer dude! he's very cool!! look @ his instagram we had a lil mini shoot

jaehyun: i saw. ur very handsome <3

johnny: :D i love you

jaehyun: i love you too

jaehyun: it's late at home right?

jaehyun: you should go to sleep

johnny: im about to !!

jaehyun: good good

jaehyun: i'll talk to you tomorrow now get some rest pls

johnny: <33 goodnight

jaehyun: goodnight :)


ten laid in bed, his phone to his chest as he listened to music and thought. he knew that getting with johnny and jaehyun's company in any way would be a breakout for him. he wasnt complaining, but he also didn't know if he was ready.

his life wasn't tidy. he was at a low point, and he didnt know if he was well enough to do this yet. but he didnt want to avoid the opportunity. he knew that if he did, he'd regret it, and probably never get an offering like this again.

he knew it was stupid to get stressed over too. so instead, he put his phone down on his bedside, stretched like a tired cat, before sighing and getting some shut- eye for the night.


a warm mug of coffee wasnt enough to make johnny feel like he wasnt alone. jaehyun's hoodie just felt like any other hoodie. he knew he was being dramatic, but he really, really hated being alone.

jaehyun was busy, so he could barely message him, and the time zones mess that up too. he tried to distract himself, as he sat in the kitchen, looking out the window at the stars. the lights were off, as he was about to go to bed, but he thought he'd rest for a moment.

he had a good day. ten was nice. he wanted to keep ten in his life for as long as he could, although they'd only just met. he already felt a connection to him.

johnny: heading to bed now, i love you <33 i hope you had a good day :)

5 hours later

jaehyun: i had a good day! :) hope you're sleeping well  <3

6 hours later:

johnny: i miss you !! :( come home soon >:(

jaehyun: its only been 2 days you miss me that much? cute hehe

johnny: shut up

jaehyun: you love me <3

johnny: sadly

10 hours later

jaehyun: goodnight love! <3

5 hours later

johnny: good morning sexy <333

jaehyun: :o

11 hours later

jaehyun: hii how was your day? i'm sorry ive been so busy  :(( ill try to talk to you more, i'm so sorry <3333

jaehyun: im sleeping now, i'll talk to you when i can, i love you <3

3 hours later

johnny: ugghhhhh i miss you so much i hate this

10 hours later

johnny: good morning :D <3

8 hours later

jaehyun: i love you <33

7 hours later

johnny: call me??

jaehyun: i'll see if i can later, i miss your voice

24 hours later

jaehyun: i'm sorry i couldnt call you. ive been super busy i feel so bad goddd.

jaehyun: i hope you're not upset with me. i miss you so much johnny. call me when you're awake. i'll stop what i'm doing for you

jaehyun: i love you so much.

12 hours later

johnny: i cannot wait for this month to be over ☹️

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