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johnny sat in bed, staring forward as his phone laid on his bed, open. it was exploding with texts and calls from friends and family, along jaehyun himself.

he was in shock. he felt nothing. he wasnt crying. he wasnt sad. he didnt know how to respond to this. at first, he didnt want to believe it was real. but when he looked closer, it was true. it was jaehyun.

he wasn't shocked. jaehyun deserved someone better anyways. he was shocked the boy had stayed around as long as he did.

he sighed, getting out of bed, grabbing a jacket and some things from his bedside table. he shoved them into his pockets and walked out of the house, locking the door behind him.

the streets were empty. it was late, and no one was out. he liked the cold, fall weather. it made him feel numb.

he walked over to a wall, leaning up against it and pulling a box of cigarettes out of his pocket. he lit one, feeling the warmth of the fire against his fingers, as he placed the cigarette between his lips.

he hadnt done this in a long time. but he needed it. he needed release.

"ten-" johnny called out, seeing the boy walk past him, "hey."

"oh shit, hi," ten smiled, taking out his earbud and walking up to the taller, "you smoke? damn i thought you were attractive." he teased, leaning up against the wall too.

"i thought i was attractive too," johnny laughed sadly, pushing his hair back, "apparently not attractive enough to not be cheated on."

ten's jaw dropped, and he held the boy's shoulder, "no.. you're kidding, right?"

johnny pouted, shaking his head. ten's shoulders dropped. he was in disbelief. this was the last thing he expected.

taking out his phone, johnny opened the page of the allegations, passing it to the younger. ten shook his head, passing the phone back and looking up at him.

"i'm sorry.."

"it's good. it's alright."

"johnny, when was the last time you smoked?"

johnny paused, knowing that ten knew. his heart broke at the expression on ten's face, and he sighed, "two years ago."

"johnny..." ten frowned, moving the boy's hand away from his lips, "put it out.. please?"

johnny hesitated, as tears formed in his eyes. he could feel the cold air now. he could feel his body shivering. as ten held his hand.

with a smile, ten watched as johnny put the cigarette out on the floor. they watched the fire burn out, as they stared at the ground.

"got anymore?" ten asked, looking back up at johnny, who just nodded, grabbing the box from his pocket and passing it to the boy, "thank you.."

ten felt bad, but he knew it was good for the boy. he put the box into his backpack, before passing the boy his water and offered him gum.

"you dont need to help me."

ten shook his head, "yeah i do, shut up."

johnny chuckled sadly, drinking the water but passing down the gum. he held his head in his hands, massaging his head.

ten watched him. he was never good at comforting people.

"i'm sorry.." he sighed, hugging the taller. he felt him shaking in his grip, but then felt his arms snake around his frame. it was delicate, but nice. the way johnny's body moved was almost as if he was scared, "want me to stay the night?"

johnny wasn't sure. he hadn't contacted jaehyun yet, and he didnt want to invite a guy round if it was fake. but the more he thought about it, he didnt care. he nodded, hugging ten for a moment longer before letting go.

"nothing weird, i know how you feel right now," ten smiled, gesturing for the man to drink more, "i'll just stay with you, make sure you're okay."

with another nod, johnny began to walk home, with the younger following him.


jaehyun: johnny

jaehyun: i'm so sorry

jaehyun: you have all rights to be pissed off with me

jaehyun: it's all my fault

jaehyun: you deserve so much better

jaehyun: just please, please contact me so i know you're okay

jaehyun: i love you so much

jaehyun: please be okay

johnny: i'm okay

johnny: goodnight

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