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5am. johnny had woken up with a dry mouth, the worst headache, and fuzzy vision. he crawled out of bed, standing up and stretching, before turning around and smiling at the boy sleeping peacefully.

the bedroom was cold, so he leaned over and carefully wrapped the remaining blanket over ten, before silently leaving the room.

his balance was off, as he wobbled to the bathroom. it was still dark out, but he didnt want to turn on any of the hall lights, in fear it would wake up ten. he just made his way to the bathroom, turning the light on in there.

he looked in the mirror, pulling at his skin, before rubbing his eyes and yawning. he felt gross, but couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. he splashed his face with water, before scooping some in his hand and sipping it, to rid of the dry texture on his tongue.

however, when he heard a door open, he internally cursed, knowing it was ten. he didnt open the bathroom door that he'd locked, he waited for ten to knock.

which he did, after a few minutes. johnny assumed he had checked the lounge first.

"john-ah?" the boy mumbled, knocking on the door softly, "you okay?"


"can i come in?" ten asked, too tired to realise how weird of a question that would've been if the boy wasn't just stood there.

johnny unlocked the door almost instantly, letting ten in. he immediately felt at ease when ten wrapped his arms around him, resting his head on his chest.

"it's so early, why are you awake?" he asked, stroking the taller boy's back.

"i woke up feeling weird. i'm okay though," johnny admitted, one hand on ten's waist and the other on the back of his head, "did i wake you up? im sorry."

"no, you didnt," ten assured him, looking up and fixing johnny's messy bed hair, even though he'd probably mess it up again soon, "my body just... woke up. and then you weren't there so i came looking for you."

johnny chuckled before nodding and taking a deep breath, "lets to back to sleep. i'm so tired."

"you feel okay now? did you need to do anything?"

"mhm.. i'm okay now.." johnny nodded, reaching to open the bathroom door, keeping his hold on ten.

the two giggled together as they waddled back to the bedroom. ten kissed the boy's chest before they fell back onto the bed.

johnny smiled, laying with ten ontop of him, holding him like his life depended on it.

the sun was beginning to rise, as the two melted into eachother.



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@crispgossip UNKNOWN MALE on model Johnny Suh instagram story

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@crispgossip UNKNOWN MALE on model Johnny Suh instagram story. Fans speculating wether this is the man's former partner, Model, Jung Jaehyun, or if Johnny has found someone new. Stay tuned for more updates on your favourite celebrities.


"first time in an article, i'm famous," ten laughed, as johnny just smiled at his phone, "they're so weird. it's literally my scalp."

"welcome to my world," johnny smiled, as ten crawled into his lap, his legs around his waist, "oh, hi!"

"hello~" he mumbled, putting his head on his shoulder, "bed time."

"it's midday, but alright.."

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