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a chill dinner with a movie, and ten's two favourite people.

"realistically right, anna is the bad guy," renjun rolled his eyes, as the movie finished, "if she didnt piss off elsa, the whole movie wouldn't happened, and she wouldnt've nearly DIED."

he sat in johnny's lap, being held by the man who was making conversations with renjun throughout the movie. renjun sat on the other side of the couch, eating from a bag of chips.

they were calm, and ten was happy at how comfortable johnny and renjun were with eachother already.

he'd never felt this content. ever.

"elsa's the bad guy," johnny stated, "she's got some built up anger issues. she should try some sort of therapy, i think."

"i think hans is the bad guy. because he is," ten sighed with a laugh at the two's debate, "and i think it's a disney film, made for kids. not for adults in their twenties to overanalyse."

"party pooper," renjun huffed, as johnny nodded at him in agreement, "disney films ARE made for adults to overanalyse. thats why there's so many jokes."

ten rolled his eyes as johnny let out mumbles of agreement, "whatever. what movie next?"

"frozen 2!" johnny said excitedly.

"oh my god."


renjun: hiiii

renjun: i got home safe :)

ten: good!!!! did we host well

renjun: 'host' we sat on johnny's couch all day

ten: ummmm 🤨

renjun: yes you were amazing hosts i loved it

ten: CORRECT answer

ten: johnny is happy :)

ten: like . he's not expressing his happiness but i think hanging out with people

ten: even if it was only me and you

ten: i think it's made him happy today

ten: and im so happy he's so smiley and lovey

renjun: pls :(

renjun: im glad i could make him the smallest bit happy

renjun: what r u guys doing now

ten: it's 11pm we're in bed we're old men now

renjun: fair me too

renjun: u two deserve SLEEP

renjun: and alot of it

renjun: bedtime!!!

ten: 🫡🫡

ten: good night junnnnieee

ten: i love you lots

renjun: i love you toooooo goodnight!!! 😚


"you're feeling good?" ten asked johnny, curling up into the man's side, arm around his waist.

johnny nodded in response, holding ten's waist too, shutting his eyes. they spent nights like this alot.

they'd lay like this for a while, just speaking, and resting.

"ten. i feel weird."

"hm? what do you mean?" ten asked at the man's sudden confession, tilting his head and moving so he could watch johnny, wanting to give his full attention.

he was now laid on his stomach, next to him, chin in his hands as his elbows held him up.

"i- i dunno. ive been feeling like this alot recently," johnny sighed, "i feel... i just want to be a normal person?"

ten nodded along.

"im sorry- i know we've had a nice day, i dont wanna end it with my emotions.."

ten shook his head, placing his hand on johnny's chest with a pout, "it's fine. honestly, i would rather you talk than hold it in."

"it just.. it sucks knowing i'm gonna have to go back to what was making me the most stressed in like, a few weeks," johnny explained, holding ten's hand on his torso, "im grateful. and i love it, but im just .. scared.. that i'm gonna get bad again."

ten nodded slowly, his eyes on johnny's face as he spoke quietly. as if he was ashamed to admit all of this.

"johnny.." ten replied, rubbing his chest as if he was consoling a child, "yeah.. i get it."

johnny's eyes held small tears, which ten noticed, but didnt comment on. he knew he wasn't truly sad in this moment, just had a whole bunch of different emotions built up, so it was good that he cried.

"i think.. i think you should look in to therapy," ten told him, "i think it'd be good for you. especially now we have the time off..."

johnny laid silent for a while, thinking about what ten had said, before humming. ten couldn't tell if it was in agreement or not, but he appreciated that he thought about it.

"i think it would help you, that's all," ten smiled, laying his head on the pillow now, so he could watch johnny comfortably, "i think there's alot you need to talk about. that i can't really help you with."

the two laughed together, as johnny laid too, making them face to face, "mm... yeah, i agree."

ten smiled, kissing the boy on the lips once.

"i think you should, too."

"yeah?" ten asked, "i dont know. i think i'm doing okay. right now atlea-"

"no," johnny shook his head, grasping the boy's waist and holding him closer, "if i do, you should too. even if you think you dont need it right now."


"neither of us agree that we need it, so maybe that's a sign," the two laughed together at johnny's honesty, "you might be feeling good now. but you weren't feeling good a few weeks ago. and you might end up feeling bad again. so we should look into it."

ten nodded again, as johnny spoke against his lips. his warm breath landing upon his lips, and his eyes sleepily shutting.

yeah, he really cared about what johnny was saying, and whole heartedly agreed, but also just really, really wanted to kiss him.

so he did. he held johnny's face in his hand and smiled before kissing him as gently as he could, but with enough passion to give them both butterflies.

johnny kissed back immediately, but did nothing other than that. his hands stayed in the same place as ten held his cheeks and smiled into the kiss.

"i dont need therapy," johnny chuckled, as ten scattered his face with small kisses, "this can be my therapy. if i can live my life like this every day, i think i'll cope perfectly fine..."

"stupid," ten shook his head with a laugh, but didnt stop kissing him, everywhere and anywhere, "so stupid."


ten: johnny :(

johnny: hi lover boy

ten: WHERE did you go

johnny: ten i am literally pissing

ten: ewww stop texting me pissy phone

johnny: you texted me first

ten: wtf no i didnt liar

johnny: go to sleep

ten: but you're not here 🥺🥺🥺🥺

johnny: ahhh ur gay that's it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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