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𝙻𝚞𝚣'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I'm so sick and tired of everyone telling me or keep reminding who am I and what I should do or not do, being born as the Titan's child is something more worst than death. A Titan's child can only be born every thousand years and if anyone knew how as Titan's child are born bet anyone would think of it as cruel and might pity the mother who lost the child they are carrying in the spam of 9 months in them only for the baby to die after being born.

As I entered the room the big door closed behind me I slowly walk my way forward and kneel down just in front the steps up."Belos, you wanted to see me."i said in a low cold manner tone I'm not really that happy to see him but out of everyone to what he claims he is the only one that would ever cared about me and what did he say after that...yeah I remember love like I know that word.

"Someone told me that you skipped a training again...."he said causing me to stiffen at my place and slowly looked up to meet those eyeless mask, I gripped my fist tight as I bite my lower lip trying my best not to tremble or even show fear knowing exactly what is about to happen."I do not want to punish you either Luzifer but..."he paused as his arms turned to it's sludge form and stood up."it's the only way you'll learn.."














The screams echoed through door down the hallways but just like what every Coven members would do they ignore it as they went on doing what businesses is need be to done while deep inside them is that they felt sorry for the kid.

Lilith stood beside the closed doors and she grip her fist tightly as she listened to her apprentice's scream of pain, Lilith dosen't need to see what is going on inside to know what is happening and all she did is waited until she is summoned by the Emperor.

There was a long silences until Lilith heard the Emperor called out for her, the door slowly opened and she went inside what Lilith witnessed made her almost want to puke."take care of her make sure the wounds are healed up."Belos said as he return to his throne, the chains come off and Luz fell flat on the floor trembling, her back was covered with brand new slash topping over the old scars there are few made it at front but only a few."understood Emperor Belos."Lilith replied before picking Luz up from the ground.

She can hear her breath shallowly and felt her continue to tremble and grew hot as caught a fever from the wounds. Lilith took the brunette to her room and carefully lay her on its bed before sending in a the Head of the Healing Coven to heal her.

After the wound was taken care off the Head of the Healing Coven also took care of the fever she caught then leave after that, Lilith sighed as she stared down at the brunette who is now sleeping and can see the dark circles under it's eyes knowing very well the brunette woke up at the middle of the night, how she knows? Well she leaves her palisman only outside the window to check up on the Brunette and that wasn't the first time the brunette would woke at the middle of the night crying finding only comfort with hugging her knees.

Lilith really felt bad for her even tho she won't admit it the kid did grew on her, she traced her finger against the scar, the very first scar Luz got from Belos she remember clearly the first time she had seen the Emperor be so mad at that time Luz was only 3 years old and since she was only so young she dosen't know what she was doing and tried to do magic only to lose control of it and almost brought a huge calamity to the entire Isle.

The scar went from close to the corner of her eye down to the corner of her mouth and whenever Lilith saw the scar on Luz's face she whishes that she could have done something to help but she can't as all she can do and so those the others who cared secretly is watch at the side, watch as the kid is stripped away from her childhood that young, so young.

How did the Emperor even knew that Luz skipped training again? I'm pretty sure that I told the coven guards not to utter a word to the Emperor so how? Or....

Suddenly Lilith thought of Kikimora, of course Kikimora would have told the Emperor about it that little goblin would really do anything just to get on Belos good side."okey Gwen stay here and watch over her, I'll come back later to check up on her."she told her palisman before leaving the room and heading to look for the little goblin.

"Kikimora."Lilith called out and the short witch with a dragons hand on its head turned to face the taller witch."I knew you're the one who told the Emperor about Luzifer training."Lilith glared down at her and Kikimora glared back at her.

"So what if I am, I am just letting the Emperor know the Titan's child every move. A simple task that you can't do properly."Kikimora said but that just angered Lilith a quickly raised her from the ground.

"Listen here Kikimora I do not care what you do to me but if you ever do anything that would hurt the Titan's child I swear to the Titan that I would end you."she said this sent shiver down Kikimora's spine and was then let go by Lilith who walked away soon later Kikimora stood up and went somewhere to think for a moment.

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