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The morning came by and Luz slowly woken up by the ray of light coming from the outside of her window hitting her face and she slowly flattered her eyes opened, she looked around to see that she's already in her room might be because Lilith had once again brought her back here last night and had her wounds taken care of again.

Luz sighed as she sat up and stood up ready to get ready for the day when she stand in front of the mirror she quickly noticed those scar on her face and first she gaze at her first scar she got when she was only 3 and sighed before forgetting about it and headed to get ready.

Once done getting ready she left her chamber and headed down the halls being greeted by those who pass by fears which just made Luz entertained till she spotted the one that gives her more entertainment.

"Why morning Goldie."Luz teased and Hunter growled at her but stand straight at the door."the Emperor wanted to see you..."Hunter said ignoring the teasing but Luz just smirked behind her mask and headed towards the door."Might give me another worthy mission while your stuck here again doing papers."she teased and Hunter glared at her just wanting to smack her with the staff his holding but hold himself back.

Luz entered the throne room and walked forward then kneel down just below the steps."you called for me Belos."she said and Belos stared down at her before spoking.

"Yes cuz I have an important mission for you to do..."


She had to slay a 3 headed serpent that is literally at the very depts of the Boiling Sea to what Belos excuse is she's the only one immune to its burning sensation, one of the perks of being a Titan's child the Boiling Sea has no effect on her.

"Cursed Belos he knows I hate this job but he suggested something else that I hated the most giving me no choice but to do this one."Luz muttered as she begin to slowly go to the very depts of the Sea.

It took hours of battling under the sea that even the red brimming light came out the sea hitting some random place until the fight was already taken to the surface.

Luz just lost her tunic and cloak but that didn't stopped her, she still has her mask so she dosen't care anyways, she spin her staff and continue to dodge the spitting venom of the serpent she already took at the two heads her only problem now is the head in the middle which has the most denser skin than the other two and most tricky to fought against.

Luz teleported right behind the serpent and hit it's back with her staff and teleported back to the sand and looked up at the serpent who seem to be in dazed now from the impact she used this as an opportunity as to what she just predicted and successfully cut the things head off summoning a cage trapping the 3 heads in a separate cages."so easy."Luz said before fleeing away with the 3 heads.

Her mask has a little crack on it showing her left eye but isn't enough to show her entire face, she returned to the Castle wet, smelly because of the serpent blood and really tired while carrying or more like levitating the 3 heavy cages to show it to the Emperor and walked passed Lilith and it's supposed to be pupil from this school called Hexide.

"Silver Guard what happened to you?"Lilith asked in her usually cold manner of tone but is really worried but didn't show it."mission an easy mission as always anyways gotta go."she said staring at the mint haired Witch before walking pass by them.

Amity stared at the brunette that just walked pass them wearing a Silver pointed two-faceted mask with a thin slot across it."is that the Silver Guard?"Amity asked pointing towards the short brunette from earlier.

"Yes currently she's busy so you won't be seeing her to much here."Lilith said and Amity just nobbed her head before following her mentor.

As they walk by Amity can hear a few members of the Emperor's Coven talk to one another and it seem to be about the Silver Guard.

"Hey I just heard earlier that the Silver Guard fought a 3 headed serpent."

"I bet it came so easy to her, she is the Titan's child after all."

"I wish I was a Titan's child I bet I'll amounts of power with it."

This is not the first Amity heard everyone talk about the Silver Guard and it all included to they're conversation is how she is a Titan's child and how much power she had but to Amity guess that the Silver Guard must be just some brat as she sensed a bratty aura from her.

"If you have time talking so much how about you 3 would like to talk to the Emperor."Lilith said glaring at the 3 guards who quickly shut up and shook they're heads before running away."we could continue you're training tomorrow Amity."Lilith said, Amity nobbed her head before walking off.


"Belos I brought you the heads."Luz said showing the 3 heads of the serpent in the cage."I'm impressed you never really failed me Luzifer now go and have you're study with Kikimora and enhance your combat skills."he said and Luz just nobbed her head before leaving the room.

She returned to Kikimora's office and the goblin to how Luz call Kikimora begin to teach her for about 4 hours whole which was boring as heck and once it was done Luz proceeded to enhancing her combat skills meaning she'll have to travel somewhere just to do it like fight some slithering monster without using magic or staff since times come like that where her staff or magic can't be a use I'm a situation.

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