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That night.....


Luz eyes shot open at the sound of her door banging till it broke opened and someone came in, she quickly went to hide among the books as the being sneak in Luz immediately recognize this people, the Assassin's.

She still dosen't know who are sending this assassin's but she knew one thing and that is this assassin's are after her head. Normally she would have to kill them all but she decided to keep one alive for information and of course prisoner.

Since it was dark it was hard to see adding up to the fact that Luz is wearing only a tank top and short shorts she had to think fast. Moving through the darkness she made sure to be really quiet and wait.

The moment one of them got close to where she is she immediately took the advantage and made a move, one by one the assassin's in the room where all begin to be dragged to the darkness, another strong gush of wind enter the room. The two last assassin felt a shiver run down they're spine and notice the window was opened which they didn't remember was opened before when all of a sudden a strong force pushed one of them, that assassin that was pushed out the window felt an extreme pain on their back and couldn't perform a magic to save them as it was already to late.

The one last assassin eyes widened in fear and standing there in front of them face to face was none other than the Silver Guard. Her eyes was piercing through them and before they knew it everything went black.

Luz was panting heavily wiping the sweat off her chin with her blood covered hand, her room was more messier than it was before but she didn't care. She walked up towards the now passed out assassin.

Few hours later......


The assassin was woken up by the sudden cold water being poured on them, he looked left and right but can't see anything pass the light just above him.

"You awake now?"he heard someone spoke and looked to his front and saw none other than the Silver Guard."s-silver... Silver Guard."

Luz smirked."good now,, how should I squish the information out of you..."her voice was menacing as she looked at the assassin with those bloodlust eyes causing the assassin to tremble in fear and wanted to activate the spell that would end his life now but it didn't activated."dont think I'll let you die that fast...cuz I still haven't got my answers yet."










The next day came by......

It was just supposed to be an ordinary day peaceful and quiet of course everyone in the Castle know very well that would be destroyed the moment the Silver Guard woke up.

Then suddenly blood begin to stain the floor and all looked up causing they're eyes to widened in horror, never did they seen this happen for a long time and now....

They all witnessed the almost dead body of the poor man being dragged towards the Emperor's room by none other than the Silver Guard itself, this wasn't the first time she did this for this is actually the second time she did it.

Kicking the door opened she smirked."HEY KIKIMORA! I HAVE AN EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR YOU!"she exclaimed as she throw the poor man's body on the ground causing not only Kikimora but also Hunter and Lilith while Belos stayed stiff."you should have sent me a better toy to play with, not this cheep one."she said her smirk not leaving her face as she glared at them all.

Hunter tremble at the sight along with Lilith who wanted to puke but held it in, the man groaned in pain but it was immediately replaced by a loud scream when Luz created a sword stabbing it right through the man's chest causing more blood to spill out."hope you like this present you b##h, I spent whole night preparing him."

"Anyways I'm already late for school....and Belos, hope you find this entertaining."she said and walked off with the sword she made turning to dust and leaving the now dead body on the ground."Kikimora...."Belos slowly spoke as he turned his gazed to the short demon. Lilith also turned her gaze to the short demon but Hunter, Hunter is still traumatized at the sight of the man killed right in front of them. Hunter didn't really expect the Silver be this evil and heartless.

Luz change to her uniform and yawned, she felt tired as she spent the whole night torturing the bastard. Right after she's ready she took her staff and left for school, now Luz is just awaiting for what comes next the moment she went to Hexide.

A/N: that was... unexpected, really unexpected even tho I'm the one who wrote it. Anyways enjoy.

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