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She immediately jolted up from her sleep and looked around her surroundings, Luz was panting heavily and is sweating hard. The thing she just dreamt off, why was she dreaming about it again? Luz hugged her knees close to her and continue to register where she is.

She was on the bed in the Healing Coven, she dosen't remember what happened but she's already guessing that those witches she was mocking earlier brought her here. But why?

Why help her when she's beinf cruel to them? She dosen't know what they're thinking anymore and already guessing they're doing it for favors. Luz felt a sudden chill and looked down to find herself only wearing her boxers.

"Where's my clothes?"she muttered and begin to look around, the door soon swing opened. Luz stood up and turned around to be greeted with a dark green haired witch."Silver Guard?"

"Older Blight.."Luz replied. Emira felt her cheeks turned red as standing in front of her is just a barely dressed Silver Guard."shouldn't you be at class?"Emira asked her and Luz just rolled her eyes and continue to look around.

"I'm currently looking for my clothes so if you excuse me lower life form."she said in a annoyed tone, Emira is slightly surprised as the rumours about her us true tho Emira found it cute."how about I help you then cutie?"she said smiling at her which made Luz really unsettled.

"Yeah nope I'm fine on my own, now leave me alone lower life form."she said and resume to looking around until finally she found them and put them on."Do you always call those around you lower life form?"Emira asked as she stared at the kid and she turned to her.

"That's right and because you all are lower than me so that's why, now Byeee!"she said and left the room closing the door shut behind her, she can't believe this what could Belos have say if he found out about this.'agh this is so annoying.'


She missed almost half the day but since she's the titan's child she got away with it and went on the day like nothing happened, she continued to mock those around her and even pulled a prank on them. Luz found that going to school isn't that bad as long as she got high scores and of course be a top student she can play all she want and she dosen't even care if she skips as she can always use the titles Silver Guard or Titan's child but even tho she dosen't used those titles with all of them fearing her is enough.

Anyways, Luz sat alone at the school's garden again as she dosen't want to be associated with the lower life form she calls and reads a book until a lady bug landed on the page which surprised her but didn't care anymore. She stared at the lady bug and a few more came Luz dosen't know why but she didn't find them irritating and even let one land on her finger tip.

Luz for the first felt a gentle smile form on her face and is mesmerized by the lady bug, she found it really odd for herself to be like that but this would just be a one time thing, unbeknownst to her that there is someone watching her just from afar.

Lunch break soon ended and Luz went back to class and of course it was boring as heck and she already know all the answers of the test the teacher game and as always she got the highest perfect score.

Soon classes ended and Luz is making her way out the Hexide when all of a sudden her prediction activated quickly predicting something is about to happened and moved to the side dodging the ice shards and turned around.

"Assassin's? Who sent you now."Luz growled and the masked assassin replied."No one but we better end a young tyrant like you before you could even rule over!"it exclaimed and send more ice shards her way which she dodge.

Anyone that was there watched and didn't bother to held, soon those assassin's begin to came and surrounded her. Readying her staff she put on her mask too and begin fighting the assassin's.

She hit the spell circle breaking whatever spell is that and spin her staff hitting them right on the head and teleported away letting the ice shards pierce through one of them and proceeded to the other one.

Amity who was just coming out from the school spotted the commotion and immediately noticed witches in black working against the Silver Guard.

"Everyone in position now!"exclaimed one of them and Amity watched at the sidelines how those witches in black formed a diamond and begin to cast a spell before slamming they're palms on the ground forming some kind of glyph.

Luz eyes widened and before she could even made an escape the glyph activated and fire appear with her inside, this made anyone that was there gasped in shock, they thought the Silver Guard is gone well that's were they're all wrong.

The fire was seem to be being sucked by some void till it disappear showing a mildly burned Silver Guard with it's mask slightly cracked with her eyes glowing red."What the..."

"I was born in the deepest boiling ground and you think a mere lower life form like you can kill me."she growled, now she's angry causing those around to be shaken in fear.

Luz slammed her staff on the ground creating a quake causing the ground to form a crack and hot red liquid appear creating a burning hot wall."Now I'll show you the power of a Titan's child."the staff actually is already broken because of the fire and this are all her doing, luz is losing control of her magic.

Letting go off the staff her hair begin to turn glowing yellow and her hands glowed red. A strange magic circle's appear and the sky turned dark red...

To be continued....

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