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When will anyone know when someone is a monster,,,dose anyone even believe that there are monster out there just waiting for the right moment....

"William! Philip! Come on we don't have all day"

She stood just in front of us shining like a sun,,,she is as beautiful as ever and I dam to be in love with such a sunshine but the only sad part is she wasn't mine....

"Hun you really should be careful or you'll get hurt."

That's right, William has her heart, her love and body. The everything I always wanted and wished for all already belong to him and now all I could do is just watch from the side line and watch them be happy with that...unborn child...

She has a sweet caramel colored skin, Hazel eyes and beautiful long dark brown hair. She just a lovely witch, a powerful one too,,,she is the Titan's child.

Why dose everything that is good in this world always ending up to my brother? Why dose she have to choose him over me?

I can feel myself being clouded by jealousy and anger, I want everything that my brother own to be mine, I want her to be mine. What do a man like me can do to have that happened....

Then at that moment a realization hit me like a flash, this is wrong but I'm a man driven by my emotion....a man that just wants to love....



There was another coven meeting with the Emperor and it unexpectedly ended to what everyone thought in a Bad mood, as the head of the nine covens begin walk out the room Belos felt a sudden throbbing on his chest as he stood up, Luz who was there guided him to the other side with Kikimora wanting to follow from behind but Luz stopped her.

"Stay, I can take care of this on my own."Luz said then open the door for Belos who went inside and with Luz following from behind closing the door shut. Kikimora was angry as she cared about the Emperor more than anyone too.

Once inside Belos cursed begin to activate and out of rage punched the pillar that was near by, Luz watched for a few seconds then turned around. Belos then immediately converted back to his form with the goo sipping out of the crack of his mask and turned to Luz who pulled out a palisman and gave it to.

Belos aggressively took the palisman from her and sucked out it's magic and dropped it's empty vessel on the ground."I need more."he said breathing heavily with his tone stern.

"I'm afraid that's the last of it Belos."she said which made Belos growled and turned his back to her."Belos you know I can help, I've been studying and if only you would tell me what kind of magic it is..."Luz immediately shut her mouth the moment Belos snapped to face her.

"I'll..shut my mouth then."she said and looked to the side as Belos begin to approach her."Luzifer you know what happened to your good for nothing brother after he brought that up right."

"He is not my brother, I don't have a brother who turned his back from his family just to learn something so stupid like wild magic."Luz said, Belos hummed and placed his hand on her shoulder."Good, you really are different from him and this is why your the Titan's child."he said as his grip on her shoulder tighten which made Luz silently winced.

"I'm assigning you to capture me more palisman, I'm expecting you not to fail me Luzifer."he said, unbeknownst to the two that Kikimora was listening at that part of the conversation and feel her blood boil from anger and walked off.

Luz too walked out of the room and just now remember what today is, today is the day when witches in training will finally received they're palisman which is going to be done just back at Hexide, she hadn't attend today cuz she's busy doing stuff, anyways Luz is going to use this opportunity to capture those palisman instead. It won't be that hard, right?

A/N:sorry it's short I'll make the other one much more longer.

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