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There was a long silences in the room as Luz waited for Belos and stood with her back facing the cell Eda and Lilith are trapped. Luz can still feel Lilith glaring at her and turned to face the woman.

"Don't give me that look Lilith, you wouldn't end up in that situation if you didn't work with those traitors."said Luz but Lilith just glared at her and turned her back from the brunette.

"Ive always knew there is a good in you Luz, that they just misunderstood you but I guess.."Lilith paused as she sighed looking down, Luz gripped her staff and clenched her teeth."well it's not my fault i become like this in the first place, this is all of you and everyone's fault you pushed me on becoming like this!"

"No Luz...this time you pushed me and them away, you choose to take that path."this caused Luz eyes to widened in shock with her grip softening, she looked at her mentor's back wanted to say something anything but nothing came out until Belos came in and Luz turned her back to them.

"I see you've done a good job Luzifer, I should have let you deal with the Owl Lady before I knew you could do better than to someone who I thought wouldn't betrayed me."Belos said and stared at Lilith who turned her head to the side and glared at him, Belos made those cell especially for the two Clawthorne sisters preventing them from using any magic or also breaking out.

"Now I'll take them from here now Luzifer you can go now."Belos said, Luz is hesitant if she should leave or not but then Belos looked at her."i said you can go now Luzifer."he said which made Luz flinch and immediately left.


What is going on with me? What is this feeling? Is this guilt?

Luz is once again having been conflicted by her thoughts and feelings, she is confused if she even made the right choice, if Belos was even true to her to begin with. Then she remember what Lilith had told her back there and froze.

She removed her mask and looked at it and can see her reflection on it, was this all worth it? Was all of this she had done from past and now are all right to begin with? Was she really been hated at the first place or it was her fault that they hated her now?

With this question going around her head she rethink what Lilith said..

"Ive always knew there is a good in you Luz, that they just misunderstood you....

"No Luz...this time you pushed me and them away, you choose to take that path."

She didn't noticed this until a drop of her tears landed on her silver mask, the realization finally hit her and heart throbbed. She leaned her back against the wall and gripped hard on it as her head throbbed in pain too, her mask dropped to the ground along with her.

It all hit her like a brick everything that has been going hit her like that as Lilith was right, it it's her fault this time, she pushed them away now Luz is left with only solution on how to make this right.

Running down the hallways after Hunter separated from the group, He held his staff close to him as he begin to look around and enter some kind of room which he recognized as his uncle's room and heard a tweeting sound. He went towards that direction and lifted the curtains and found the palisman he once gave to Luz that time, this made him smile remembering that time but he sudden froze in his place when he heard a familiar annoying voice called out his name.

"Hunter."he immediately turned around and is met up with Luz, Hunter felt his blood boiled just seeing that masked face of hers."you I'll make you pay of what you did to Eda and Lilith."he said and attacked her but Luz dodged him.

"Plz stop I just want to talk."she said but Hunter refused to listen."Talk to the glyph bitch!"Luz was taken aback by the sudden cursing and quickly blocked Hunter's attack.

"Could you just listened to me!"she exclaimed and teleported behind him and tripped to fall down and point her staff at him."what are you wait for go! Blast me do it, I know your waiting for this moment to come."

There was a moment of silence but Hunter's glaring gaze didn't die, Luz let out a sighed and pulled her staff away from him."look I know sorry wont do anything but I wanna help."she said which surprised Hunter didn't thought she'll say that word as she is the last person he'll ever thought would say the word help.

"Why should I believe you?"Hunter glared not to sure if she's saying the truth, like come on she's Luz, who always lie in front of others without even trying."Because Lilith's right...I choose my path and I wanted to do something nice for once in my life and help."

"No one deserves this not even Lilith out of everyone she's the one who believe there's good in me."she said and handed him her hand, Hunter stared at it before taking it and Luz pulled him up.

"Never in centuries would I have thought of you betraying me, Luzifer."the two turned to the side and saw Belos sat on the throne.

Luz ready her staff while Hunter freed the trapped blue sparrow who immediately flew on Luz's shoulder which surprised Luz. She hadn't see the Sparrow for so long and is really happy seeing it now.

"I could still forgive you Luzifer just give me the palisman and get away from Hunter and I'll act like nothing happened."He said but Luz glared at him.

"No! I wont fall for your stupid trick again Belos, I know you lying and just using me."Luz glared, Belos chuckled and took a deep breath Bei releasing it."You really are just like her."

That made both Luz and Hunter confused to what he meant."what do you mean her?"Luz questioned till Belos laughed and stood up.

"You were never the Titan's child Luz but the daughter of the once Titan's child...Lucia Camila."

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